that seems kind of dumb to allow a bot team to stay up instead of a team with an owner. that just allows a walkover win for 22 more games next season.
Just remember - he is technically not a bot yet and won't be for another 4-5 weeks. He could log back in at any time and use the money from selling his players to bring his team back to life.
He is going to finish 7th no matter what because he is fielding walkovers. Leigo can't catch him unless he wins 5 of the last 6 games (unlikely). However, he would still go into the relegation series with the 6th place team from your side of the table. Actually, even if the team he is facing fields walkovers, too, I believe there is no way Waterloo can stay up.
Assuming he won the relegation series as a bot (again, not going to happen, but let's just go over it), the team that lost the series would go down. However, then the bot clean-up would occur. I'm not sure exactly what would happen then - but I believe the relegated team with the best record (including point differential) would replace him. Either that or the division II team with the best record comes up.
However you slice it, Waterloo won't be back in Naismith next season - unless he changes his mind and becomes an active manager again.
The only possibility of a bot in Naismtih next season is if another team quits. So start sending love notes to jbmcrock now - he is considering a restart and move to the Brasilian league.
Run of the Mill Canadian Manager