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BB Canada > Who to save?

Who to save?

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123355.4 in reply to 123355.3
Date: 12/17/2009 3:52:14 PM
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This is Canada 'eh'!!

I vote 'A', eh!

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123355.5 in reply to 123355.2
Date: 12/17/2009 4:48:06 PM
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option A, even though I would only consider buying Delorimier.

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123355.6 in reply to 123355.5
Date: 12/17/2009 6:20:07 PM
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if option A or B are the only choices, i would vote A, as i would have more interest in looking to purchase Beaudet than i would Atkins, but you have stated you would be purchasing Beaudet yourself and I know you are in better financial shape than I at the moment. there are a couple guys i would be interested in. the 2 HOF potential players. unfortunately the second one Foster wouldn't be ideal for me with a Jan 4 bot date. if his bid deadline were to hit when i'm at work i can't get him. the first one Nelmes would have a good chance of me getting since i'm on holiday that week and should be able to be at a computer to bid on him.

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123355.7 in reply to 123355.2
Date: 12/17/2009 6:27:46 PM
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Jordanjr votes: A

Just because if i were to buy either Beaudet or Atkins, it would definitely be Beaudet.

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123355.8 in reply to 123355.6
Date: 12/17/2009 7:04:59 PM
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Depending how things go, I probably will not bid on Beaudet.

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
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123355.9 in reply to 123355.8
Date: 12/17/2009 9:22:54 PM
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i will probably look at bidding on both beaudet and torres, not sure if i want to get both and train them, or just 1. it may depend on if i sell a couple players off right away or not. i did sell one of my younger part time trainees last week to make some room though for a new Canadian trainee.

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123355.11 in reply to 123355.10
Date: 12/17/2009 9:26:20 PM
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Looks like option A it is.

People have until Saturday to vote... Just because the early voters have gone one way does not mean that's where it will end up. Although it is looking like it will be option A.

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
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123355.12 in reply to 123355.6
Date: 12/17/2009 9:31:33 PM
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if option A or B are the only choices

By the way, there are other possibilities but these were the two main ones discussed in the off-site forum. I personally am not 100% sold on either Beadet or Atkins. But I am less sold on the other options.

I guess I could have given more time for debate, but a decision is needed on this fairly quickly.

Last edited by HeadPaperPusher at 12/17/2009 9:32:09 PM

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
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123355.13 in reply to 123355.12
Date: 12/21/2009 8:27:48 AM
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It looks like this whole debate was rendered moot. The enthusiasm reset has not yet taken place for consolation tournament teams. Which means I saved the first 3 players for free. They are now on the transfer market, but I was able to drop them from the team this morning.

Unless this loophole is closed, election year managers could in theory use all of their roster spots to save players (for example, RIP could have added 18 players to the roster before the election results today. the NT enthusiasm reset does not occur until next weekend).

PS This is not a critism of RIP - I do not think anyone knew of this loophole until this morning. Plus I am not sure if this loophole is only available to teams entering the consolation tournament, or if the BBs just messed something up this season.

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
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123355.14 in reply to 123355.13
Date: 12/21/2009 8:32:56 AM
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Also another comment... If it was not for the fast, hard work of everyone, the country would not have been in a position to even know there were players to save so soon into the season. So, good job!

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager