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Suggestions > AllStar Private League

AllStar Private League

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142936.4 in reply to 142936.2
Date: 5/5/2010 1:02:39 AM
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Thanks for your feedback Naker!

I agree, opening up your whole roster to the leader of the alliance is bad, because it opens up your whole teams weaknesses and strengths. Let's amend that, and have it work the following way instead:

- People that the Alliance leader invites can "offer" specific players up to be used in the Alliance All Star team. Eg, I offer my star small forward and shooting guard to be used. This way, only two of my players have their stats viewable instead of my whole team.

I also agree that there are other features that are important, like improvements to current functionality, improved stability, etc. However, I also think new features to the game are important, to keep it fresh and exciting! I've known this game for nearly two years now, and don't remember when the last time a major feature was introduced. (I used to have a div3 team, but that went bot due to inactivity. I have only just recently returned to BB this season).

With respect to difficulty, yes I agree it is not trivial, but I would also say it is not a huge development from scratch, as a lot of the functionality is already there, it just needs to be utilised a little differently. Of course I don't see this being developed by the next season or anything, but to have the BB give it serious consideration and maybe implemented over the next year would be fantastic!

From: akuma

To: JW
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142936.5 in reply to 142936.3
Date: 5/5/2010 1:09:04 AM
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Thanks for the support JW.

My sentiments exactly! The technology is there, utilised for U21 teams, NT teams, even public league all star games. Just need to expand it a bit more for some juicy all-star private league action!

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142936.6 in reply to 142936.4
Date: 5/5/2010 1:09:55 AM
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No worries, I like the solution you offered. Allowing teams to offer up specific players only to the alliance is a good way to go and minimizes the risk of someone exposing your entire teams stats. Just out of curiousity, will all members within an alliance be able to see the stats of all the players that are chosen to be on the alliance team? I think they should be able to otherwise it would be a little boring and everyone would prefer to be the leader of the alliance.

Then there could be an Alliance competition, where the top 1024 Alliance teams around the world battle it out on Friday nights to see which collection of superstars are the best. Kind of like a world cup with superstar teams but for supporters only. And then the winner could get a trophy or something.

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142936.7 in reply to 142936.2
Date: 5/5/2010 1:30:25 AM
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That's a great idea!!! I have a group of friends and I want to put in my best player along with theirs to see how our team would match against other groups. I don't think this is restricted to just one nation, hopefully we can match up against any group around the world.

Last edited by datzilla at 5/5/2010 1:37:08 AM

Yo! Yo! D for D best PF in D Aussie BB. D Name is Kye Duffill (10080211), averages nothing but pure amazing! Vote for Duffman!
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142936.8 in reply to 142936.6
Date: 5/5/2010 1:37:52 AM
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Yeah to keep it fair, I think all members in the alliance should be able to see stats of all players on the Alliance Roster.
And of course, I see the leader of the alliance as being the facilitator of the process - i would presume to say that alliances should be ruled by democracy (which is why I suggest a private forum for each alliance to discuss tactics, lineups, etc)

I love the way you're thinking! I thought exactly the same thing, having a "Tournament" style of the top alliance teams to duke it out, with a trophy as a reward. Didn't want to suggest it in my original post to avoid clutter, but definitely a very cool feature!

Baby steps though.... baby steps... :)

C;mon BB's read this and say you'll do it! :) Or at least think about it! :D

Last edited by akuma at 5/5/2010 1:38:43 AM

From: datzilla

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142936.9 in reply to 142936.8
Date: 5/5/2010 1:42:38 AM
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should there be a limit on the size of an alliance? How do we keep fairness so that alliance size doesn't reflect to team strength & performance?

Last edited by datzilla at 5/5/2010 1:44:23 AM

Yo! Yo! D for D best PF in D Aussie BB. D Name is Kye Duffill (10080211), averages nothing but pure amazing! Vote for Duffman!
From: akuma

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142936.10 in reply to 142936.9
Date: 5/5/2010 1:46:36 AM
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Yeah man I would say there should be a cap of how many teams are in an alliance.

8 sounds like a good number?
Of course, it doesnt necessarily have to be 8, just up to 8

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142936.11 in reply to 142936.10
Date: 5/5/2010 1:59:13 AM
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I like an 8 team cap. To make more alliance teams that are more similarly skilled you could make it a 5 team max though.

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142936.12 in reply to 142936.1
Date: 5/5/2010 2:53:51 AM
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I love the idea, but i think it has to be the same as the National Teams where only the leader can see the players stats. there is no need for the other members to see the stats. It will only create problems and arguments when people give away your players stats to other users.

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142936.13 in reply to 142936.12
Date: 5/5/2010 4:50:15 AM
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True, it could be subject for abuse, especially for teams where players don't know each other too well.

I guess for alliances where trust and abuse is less of an issue, they could use the private forum to post up specific players stats, etc. to allow for more information sharing.

I would see a successful alliance is one where all players contribute in terms of training, gameshape, scouting, and strategy. I was hesitant in my original idea to put too much power into the leaders hands - rather it would be ideal to have all the players involved - but you are right it would be too open to abuse.

I like how all this is fleshing out. Thanks for your contribution guys. Dunno if a lot of people read the suggestion forums, but if you like the idea, spread the word to your mates!

Maybe if we get enough support behind it, it might be a go-er!

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142936.14 in reply to 142936.13
Date: 5/5/2010 5:11:08 AM
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Anything that would allow smeltz, rooney, duff duff etc to play together is a great idea !

"the labor party cant even spell surplus, let alone deliver one"