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How important is a good PG to a team?

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From: Koperboy

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164786.4 in reply to 164786.3
Date: 11/25/2010 9:45:33 AM
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Passing is vital in look inside tactic. In third league, I'd say your guard's got to have Proficient passing skills or at least strong, if your SG and SF have respectable passing.

If your guards don't have that kind of passing, they should at least have good driving skills since at Look inside, there's a bit more guard's driving - especially if one of your big men has good passing.

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164786.5 in reply to 164786.4
Date: 11/25/2010 3:53:50 PM
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one of my PGs has strong passing and the other has respectable passing with mediocre driving, should i get different PGs with higher passing and driving?

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164786.6 in reply to 164786.5
Date: 11/25/2010 4:50:20 PM
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I am personally of the opinion that a successful PG for inside-based offenses should have high passing and handling...driving, imo, is more important for SG and SF unless you want your PG to be a major scorer as well...