i dissagree with some of this...
why exactly you need the PG to be a better offensive player then defensive one?
the level of deffense will not affect the offense at all, having a better defender never hurts...
so the need for good offensive PG is obvious regardless of his D rating, his offensive is not magnified, so I would still pick a good deffensive PG.
the way I see it, passing is important in all tactics, but especially for normal/slow tactics, in which the possesions are longer and the players wait for the best shot possible.
since PTB is not one of those tactics, passing here is not more important then in any other tactic, and is probably even less important the some tactics like LP, Princton, patient etc.
LI is the only faster offense that needs better passing (because big men needs someone to set them up usually).
of course, good passing will make any offense better, but there is nothing special about PTB that requires extra of this
since PTB is a balanced offense, what you need is some players that can shoot from outside, and some from inside...
the don't have to be the same players... but of course, a good shooting PF, or C will perform better since PF/C are usually crappy outside defenders!!!
if you wish to exploit a good shooting PF, PTB will do it great, better then LI imo...
but you can also play non-shooting center, as long as you have enough other shooting options
thats my opinion anyway , and is definitely open for debate