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when to use the 3-2 zone for inside d

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From: CrazyEye

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186431.5 in reply to 186431.4
Date: 6/3/2011 5:13:48 AM
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3-2 is close to a man to man defence, i don't wonder that is it working from time to time - but i doubt that it is better then a man to man defence.

From: badore

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186431.6 in reply to 186431.5
Date: 6/3/2011 12:05:43 PM
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so are you saying that 3-2 zone would affect the inside scoring of the opponent as same as the man to man?

From: CrazyEye

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186431.7 in reply to 186431.6
Date: 6/3/2011 8:20:38 PM
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so are you saying that 3-2 zone would affect the inside scoring of the opponent as same as the man to man?

no but it works quite well against every tactic, and at least in my feeling it was more shot down defense in the past against outside attacks. Today it isn't that evil when i play motion and hear that my opponent play 3-2, then in the old engine or maybe even the first season with the "new" engine.

From: myToast
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186431.8 in reply to 186431.7
Date: 6/4/2011 6:13:12 AM
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From: Stu

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186431.10 in reply to 186431.9
Date: 6/4/2011 4:16:11 PM
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3-2 also works decently if your big men dominate their big men. It's still not betterthan having man or 2-3 zone for ID but if your bigs can manhandle theirs then you don't risk as much with a 3-2 defense vs ID. I've done it against much lower opponents to give a bump to my guys rebounding and blocks stats. But I still take a hit with the ID rating vs playing man to man or 2-3.

From: myToast

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186431.11 in reply to 186431.9
Date: 6/4/2011 8:14:56 PM
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this PG is better XD

From: Stajan
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186431.12 in reply to 186431.11
Date: 6/4/2011 9:35:49 PM
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Sure, extreme luck is involved, but it's still interesting to me. I'd kill for that shot selection and those results playing against a LI in a game that I wasn't tanking. It just wouldn't happen. Usually my interior defence (even if it was above proficient) would be shred apart.

That's against their higher effort, too. So perplexing.

This Post:
186431.13 in reply to 186431.1
Date: 6/5/2011 4:12:44 PM
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If you really want to make good use of your OD, you should play 1-3-1 zone (IMO), because it is made to deny passes to the inside and put pressure on the guards(thus, forcing TO). But this would be quite the debate of advantages and disadvantages


i've heard that using 3-2 zone will help better to protect the inside than 2-3 zone.
in what cases would this be true?

in no cases, actually. but note this:
you use 2-3 zone, when you have:

a monster center with huge ID and poor OD,
two monster defensive guards with poor ID, but high OD,
and two balanced defensive forwards.

If you try anything else this defensive tactic will be a problem.

i have a not bad perimeter d team. would this help?

for 3-2 zone, i think it could, but man to man could be better, it all depends on the level of ID and OD your guys have.
Personally, i think that if you use 3-2 zone defense, against an inside offense, you will definitely lose

From: myToast
This Post:
186431.14 in reply to 186431.13
Date: 6/5/2011 9:56:43 PM
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this is the last game i'm posting,

3-2 is good against inside offense if u can limit the # of post touch your opponent
an empty gun is useless no matter how powerful it is

the reason most of the people have bad memory about 3-2 against inside offense is because they are only reading the rating and result, look closely in the stat, short chart, and time, then u may find some truth about 3-2.