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BB USA > BuzzerBeater cards

BuzzerBeater cards (thread closed)

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From: Rambo

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195757.4 in reply to 195757.3
Date: 9/5/2011 2:12:56 AM
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I'm surprised the last option isn't winning.

From: Peluin

This Post:
195757.5 in reply to 195757.4
Date: 9/5/2011 2:44:44 AM
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Me too, that's usually just screaming "don't take me seriously!!!"

This Post:
195757.6 in reply to 195757.5
Date: 9/5/2011 10:42:18 AM
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I liked panic123 answers better but i might have to tone the whole ulimited money for a day down I just think that buzzerbeater cards would help support the company and help make the game more interesting

This Post:
195757.7 in reply to 195757.6
Date: 9/5/2011 11:10:54 AM
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You would lose a lot of the userbase if you did this. It becomes a game in which those that spend money win and those that dont, quit or dont last long. I pay for supporter, but would absolutely quit if this happened...and i have a real job and the ability to spend more money, but would not get into a spending war to compete.

From: SREZ

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195757.8 in reply to 195757.7
Date: 9/5/2011 11:46:43 AM
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At first I said maybe but after some thinking I realized this would be totally unfair. Like Stauder said, it would become a game in which whoever spends the most money and is on more wins, and there would not be a point in selling players if you already had unlimited money, so that idea is out of the picture. I do not like the 300k idea either cause then whoever does not buy or can't afford the cards will have a disadvantage. I do agree selling cards may be good advertising to people who are not already on BB, but it would cause many people that are on to quit i think. So therefore, change my answer to NO.

From: Champ56usa

This Post:
195757.9 in reply to 195757.8
Date: 9/5/2011 12:02:57 PM
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WWWHHHHHHHHHHYYYYY????? everyone always messes up my ideas on here SREZ what kind of grown man plays on this game if u have a job then you must have a life and if you have a life then go be happy in it and quit cock blocking me im only 13 and I will most likely quit when im 16 because then i will have more of a life than i have now . but 1 day 1 of my ideas will be excellent and everyone will bow to my idea and buzzerbeater will be a more interesting place

Ps:Your right though

Last edited by Champ56usa at 9/5/2011 12:05:45 PM

This Post:
195757.10 in reply to 195757.9
Date: 9/5/2011 12:08:14 PM
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I'm thirteen too buddy. People who play buzzerbeater don't put it over work or their family. They play it because it is something they enjoy, just like you probably play basketball for fun. This does not mean they have no life.

This Post:
195757.11 in reply to 195757.2
Date: 9/5/2011 12:10:01 PM
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Supporter is not enough i need more than that and i need it now

This Post:
195757.12 in reply to 195757.2
Date: 9/5/2011 12:12:30 PM
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Supporter is not enough i need more than that and i need it now

From: SREZ

This Post:
195757.13 in reply to 195757.9
Date: 9/5/2011 12:31:13 PM
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Hey world champs just so you know I'm in high school so I'm not one of those 40 year olds who sits on their computers all day updating their facebook status every 2 seconds. I'm just voicing my opinion. Just wanted to make that clear. Peace.

P.S. I agree with Mike Rice

Last edited by SREZ at 9/5/2011 12:35:25 PM

From: Champ56usa

This Post:
195757.14 in reply to 195757.13
Date: 9/5/2011 12:36:07 PM
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i WOULDNT ADVISE YOU GET SMART good thing i dont know you o yeah check out my new poll funny poll vote and dont critize beacause i have an opinion myself douchebag
