1) Who I am
Hallo everyone. I'm Italian, my name is Andrea and I would like to take this amazing challenge called Malta NT U-21.
My country is one of the strongest in this game.
I'm a scout of Italy NT since season 5.
I play BB since season 3, with a record in Italian league of 242 W - 80 L (76,4%).
My team, Campania Rats, plays in II.2 (in Italy we have 6 levels).
We are #78 in national ranking (on 4864 active users).
2) NT experience
During seasons 13 and 14 I was Pakistan National Team coach.
During my direction, Pakistan (7 active users, the worst in the world except Barbados) has reached many important results:
- From 84 to 78 in world ranking
- From 0,130 to 0,247 in wins rating
- A global record of 12 W and 15 L (remember, in Pakistan there were 7 active users)
3) Why Malta?
Because I like hard challenges.
4) Community care
Two steps are important to have a good national team: finding new good players and training them. The first one requires your help, for the second one you may check how I tried to open debates in Pakistan during my direction, even thought there was indifference about National Team.
5) Staff
I need a staff, of course. I have many friends who will help me, but I will prefer to create a local staff, so if you'll bb-mail me you can be in the staff. I'm ready to answer to all the questions and explain what I need. I think the most important thing for a NT coach is to talk every week with best players' coach to control training.
6) Tactics
Ask me everything about tactics and my personal way to manage the matches. Leading Pakistan (former #84) I've beaten Kazakhstan (#69), Azərbaycan (#78) and lost at OT with Sakartvelo (#53) and Prathet Thai (they were #49).
7) Promises
- From #97 to #85 in two BB seasons
- From 0,187 to 0,225 in rating
Go Malta!
Vote Radiobasket!