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How to beat this team

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From: Saltori

This Post:
207653.4 in reply to 207653.3
Date: 1/29/2012 9:04:21 PM
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My center was my star, almost everything. :S

I'll try, and my hope will not reach a low level!

I think I'll play in Patient, I don't know so much. 2-3 will be good too!

Last edited by Saltori at 1/29/2012 9:04:41 PM

From: Saltori

This Post:
207653.5 in reply to 207653.4
Date: 1/29/2012 9:05:30 PM
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What's better?

2-3 or Box and one?

From: yodabig

This Post:
207653.6 in reply to 207653.5
Date: 1/29/2012 11:24:54 PM
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They both suck. For 2-3 to work you must make sure whoever is playing SF has good ID or it will be a disaster. You will also want good SB and OD on your big men. For the box and one you need to make sure your SF has good rebounding. It is best against a team that is unbalanced and has only one star as the other four players will have an easier time.

From: Ashurri

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207653.7 in reply to 207653.5
Date: 1/30/2012 11:38:21 AM
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According to modern day BB theory, when in doubt, go LI and M2M ;)

From: strilfe

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207653.9 in reply to 207653.7
Date: 1/30/2012 4:48:20 PM
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This the best answer...

According to modern day BB theory, when in doubt, go LI and M2M ;)

This Post:
207653.10 in reply to 207653.1
Date: 1/30/2012 5:18:41 PM
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Sorry but you have pretty much no hope for this series... you are playing Toroo the guy who won 4 B3 titles in Canada if I'm not mistaken.

Check the Suggestions they are important
This Post:
207653.11 in reply to 207653.10
Date: 1/30/2012 5:34:09 PM
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Yes he is playing the legend. The myth. A BB Demigod. He has no chance.

From: Saltori

This Post:
207653.12 in reply to 207653.11
Date: 1/30/2012 5:48:38 PM
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I know who's him. But this word there's not in my dictionary. We'll try till the last second.

My SG has good ID, and my Center has good defense and SB, but isn't good in ID.

This Post:
207653.13 in reply to 207653.12
Date: 1/30/2012 7:13:56 PM
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No offense but you have little chance, perhaps you could have won with your Centre, but with him injured, BC Tooroo's 3 trainees, and 2 veteran posts you have little to no chance. You could perhaps gamble on enthusiasm by: TIE and lose game as visitor, Normal hoping that he CT last match and winning with extra enthusiasm, then CT with the accumulative Enthusiasm advantage. Of course there is a risk, yet it's either this is nothing at all take your pick :P BTW ive monitered JBM's progress and BB mailed him, and he is the most impressive guy ive ever seen. This is a team he has created in a mere 3 seasons!! Now he is on the brink of DIV ii. GL to you and i hope you the best :P

Last edited by scorcher at 1/30/2012 7:39:00 PM

This Post:
207653.14 in reply to 207653.13
Date: 1/31/2012 1:47:27 AM
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you talk about tie, normal and ct in the playoffs...isn't there just normal and ct...
