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Rubber Band Effect

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From: Kidds

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212069.4 in reply to 212069.3
Date: 3/5/2012 12:51:30 PM
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can anyone explain what is Rubber Band effect???

From: Eagle

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212069.6 in reply to 212069.5
Date: 3/5/2012 4:02:07 PM
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+1 :)

Last edited by Eagle at 3/5/2012 4:02:16 PM

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212069.7 in reply to 212069.1
Date: 3/5/2012 5:16:51 PM
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I would train him as a guard. Ignore shot-blocking, rebounding, IS and ID. At least for now. He has good SF size but those skills are just way too low to go that direction.

His starting guard skills are good but I wouldn't focus on JR. Get the OD up as much as you can and then move to Passing. The JR will improve as your train JS so no need to really focus on it (I think that far too many people train JR to a high level at the expense of passing, which is a bad trade off).

That would be my opinion anyways.

From: Bballin

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212069.9 in reply to 212069.8
Date: 3/5/2012 9:42:26 PM
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Tbh when I saw the title I thought this was going to be like JosephKas prodige and he would have uncovered some training formula similiar to that of the elastic effect. You could have imagined my surprise.

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212069.10 in reply to 212069.1
Date: 3/6/2012 4:08:36 AM
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Elastic effect won't hit his skills, but cross training will. He has three Atrociouses and two Awfuls. This means that whenever cross training hits one of those five skills, you will lose some of your traning on primary trained skill and compansate on cross-trained skill. This is just a rough estimation, but whenever cross trianing hits an atrocious, you will probably lose 15% of training on primary trained skill.

This could be offset by training these low skills first, but you will lose more this way. So it's better to just suck it up and hope cross-training doesn't hit those five low skills too often.

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212069.11 in reply to 212069.10
Date: 3/10/2012 7:08:16 PM
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Newb here: wth do you mean by cross training?

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212069.12 in reply to 212069.11
Date: 3/10/2012 7:47:54 PM
Prairie Dogs
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As announced previously, during this offseason, all of BuzzerBeater’s trainers have been studying hard at BuzzerBeater University, getting their Ph.D.s in cross-training. As a result, they expect to produce more well rounded athletes. In the past, coaches would teach a new skill (such as driving) using related things players already knew how to do (such as handling), so that players with a higher handling skill would learn driving more quickly, and players using this method to improve their driving ability would also learn better handling, at a slower rate.

With cross-training, these new techniques emphasize each skill as part of becoming a more complete basketball player, and make reference to every skill. Thus, improvement in driving is related not just to related skills (like handling), but also more weakly to unrelated skills (like shot blocking). For the average player in the game, this will result in approximately 10% slower training in their primary skill than before, and additional training in other skills approximately corresponding to that 10% loss. A particularly well-rounded player will continue to receive cross-training but will see a much lower reduction in primary skill training, while a particularly one-dimensional player will see a larger loss. Although players will always receive a set amount of cross-training, it is difficult to predict which unrelated skills will improve on a weekly basis.

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212069.13 in reply to 212069.11
Date: 3/10/2012 7:54:25 PM
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So basically only maybe 85% of the training impact will go to the intended skill(s) and the rest will be randomly distributed to other skills.

From: yodabig

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212069.14 in reply to 212069.13
Date: 3/10/2012 9:20:18 PM
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