Yeah, I took into consideration that the 174k wage player IS playing in a league of god players, but this 18k wage player isn't (from what I have noticed) in a league of worse players. I looked at this guys history, and even when he was in a team that didn't play patient, he still did the same sort of thing.
I countered his outside ability (Well, I thought it did anyway) by making my PG (who has pretty good OD) play defence as SF to stop him getting those "Outside star" points, but it didn't really work, he still got 60 ish. I will speak to someone in my league who has a pretty good SF and ask him if he can do patient one time to see how it effects his shots and scoring, as he has very nice outside star :)
Just gind it slightly odd how he can do so well, yet be such a low wage in comparison to other players who don't. I suppose it is just heavily down to him playing patient as a tactic. I will have a deeper read on it, should be resourcefull :D
Thank you :)