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No "*" for WO in NT games?

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228764.4 in reply to 228764.3
Date: 10/23/2012 8:06:43 AM
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Second Team:
While I think it would make sense to take forfeits into account, I cannot promise anything, since this the exact kind of thing that affects managers strategy so it probably shouldn't be changed mid-season. I'll consult my colleagues and see if we can find a satisfying solution, but I predict that if we agree on a change, it will probably take effect starting next season.

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228764.5 in reply to 228764.4
Date: 10/23/2012 8:14:46 AM
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It´s not exactly a change in mid-season as it is in the rules already and only because of a bug not executed in all contests ...

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228764.6 in reply to 228764.5
Date: 10/23/2012 9:08:15 AM
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The problem is that even though it is a wrong thing, some people may have intentionally used it by making forfeits (England U21 seems like a good example) and changing the effect what they have done now after they have done it seems like we're changing the rules mid season. I'm not sure I'm clear about it, but I hope you get the jist of it.

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228764.7 in reply to 228764.5
Date: 10/23/2012 9:26:22 AM
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I'd like to note that it was a pretty well known fact amongst NT managers that walkovers didn't affect standings(or at least I knew about it, and I've heard others discuss it), so it would be a change of policy at least.

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228764.8 in reply to 228764.7
Date: 10/23/2012 4:13:30 PM
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Honestly - if teams by calculating that walkovers won´t cause any harm decide to "draw the walkover" as a tactical weapon, that´s bad sportmanship in an extreme form. So coaches who try to exploit that "loophole" can hardly call for justice there and for sure don´t need to be protected.

I see the point from the BB point, but as a user I´d feel betrayed if there is a rule, the rule is for whatever reason not executed and someone jumps at that knowing about the possible consequences and afterwards that user gets protected. If the rule is there, you have to count on somebody calling it. If you count on nobody acting according to the rules "just because" that´s within your own responsibility and if it fails it was at your own risk.

About the rule beeing executed or not:

Tie breakers usualle kick in after the FINAL game of the regular season, because that´s when the seeding occurs and tie breakers are necessary. So the first time when the error occured with any true consequencs was after the last game. How can you argue that following the rules then is a change of policy, when the only thing missing so far is a? The error with the "wrong seedings" for the knock out rounds was wrong, but that´s also happening just now.That´s just a bug, not a change of policy...

Last edited by LA-seelenjaeger at 10/23/2012 4:19:57 PM

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...
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228764.10 in reply to 228764.9
Date: 10/23/2012 7:16:50 PM
Hamburg Albatrosses
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Korean S. Fighters
Still, I don't think it really matters if they forfeit the game intentionallor not. It's just that there is supposedly a rule
that doesn't seem to exist on NT-level. And I've been an U21-Coach and involved in the NT-business far longer (and I was fairly active in the forums) - but I never heard of this issue before. Never heard of a team not getting punished for a forfeit game.

It's kind of sad that BB will just say that it'll correct this bug "in the future" and not right now before the next games are played. If the BBs decide it's a bug, they should correct it immediately (btw: thanks for the quick reply, Marin). I rember some issue regarding NT-games that were recalculated 3 times - so it's possible to correct the mistake right away. And the argument that we're "more vocal" doesn't really count. Of course a country that was wronged is going to protest. Do you expect the english to protest that they avanced in the round-robin? Clearly not. So please be quick to decide if this is a bug (which it clearly is in my opinion) and do something about it. But even if you don't count it as a bug, please make sure to correct this in the future...

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228764.12 in reply to 228764.11
Date: 10/24/2012 5:55:26 AM
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Perpete - I´d agree with you, if that was about changing the RULES. But the Rules were there. It´s about changing the application of the rules from "accidentally not" to "yes".

If you break a law, and run into a policeman who punishes you, you rarely get away with "but my friend who did the same yesterday wasn´t punished".

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...
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228764.13 in reply to 228764.10
Date: 10/24/2012 6:34:28 AM
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Never heard of a team not getting punished for a forfeit game.

It's well known that forfeits don't count in NT/U21 games.
Here is one of examples:
Look at Malta, they forfeited all 8 games, however in table we have 4 teams behind them.
And I'm sure it isn't only case.

So everybody could notice that forfeits don't count in NT/U21 games. So we can't punish England because their coach knew it and made good job.

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228764.14 in reply to 228764.13
Date: 10/24/2012 7:20:38 AM
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Second Team:
I agree, it is a loophole, but a well known one, that NT managers are well aware of. To fix it now and change the standings would mean a big change in the game environment that would affect all the decisions made by the NT managers. I stand by my decision; there will be no changes in the standings but you can expect some changes starting next season. Changes that will fix or render the loophole worthless to use.
