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Suggestions > free throws - I got it!!!

free throws - I got it!!!

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From: rcvaz

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228957.4 in reply to 228957.1
Date: 10/28/2012 3:19:10 PM
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I also think it's a good idea. It's hard to find examples of good shooters who are poor FT shooters (Jason Richardson from last season comes to mind), whereas non-bigs who struggle at the FT line are usually poor jumpshooters as well (Iguodala, Turner, Rondo, etc). In any case, there are two minor tweaks I would suggest:

1) Maybe a slower climb towards the JS level? It's true that good shooting mechanics are a great start, but good FT shooters still need a ton of practice. In you example, I would say the jump to 7 in 2 weeks is reasonable, but maybe after that it should go back to "normal" speed.

2) Wouldn't the training slowdown in cases where the FT skill is higher than the JS be trouble for big men? There are bigs who very very rarely shoot from outside the paint and manage to shoot FTs fairly consistently above 70% (Marc Gasol, Greg Monroe, even Hibbert). So I think that players with JS much higher than FT should get that boost, but inside players with low JS should still be able to pop in FT at the current rate.

Also, since it is rare to have great shooters who are bad FT shooters, why not make FT a secondary for JS?

From: tough

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228957.5 in reply to 228957.4
Date: 10/28/2012 3:28:20 PM
Mountain Eagles
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Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
what about link JS training to FT? like for every JS pop .3 goes into FT? Same would work for JR too.

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
From: Tuck
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228957.7 in reply to 228957.6
Date: 10/29/2012 12:11:30 PM
ES Arnould
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Thaht's a nice idea and would really fit to reality...

From: Alec Burke

To: Tuck
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228957.8 in reply to 228957.7
Date: 10/29/2012 3:58:24 PM
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Reality is that good free throw shooters practice free throws.

The main reason there are good jump shooters in BB who are terrible free throw shooters is because so many owners refuse to train free throws except for those 1 or 2 weeks a season where they can't get full training. And typically one of those is used for stamina each season as well. Pretty easy for JS to outstrip FT when one is being trained regularly and the other is not.

The original proposal seems to mostly just be putting a large elastic effect between JS and FT. I think it might be a bit much, but if there isn't already an elastic effect between JS and FT, it certainly makes sense for there to be one.

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228957.9 in reply to 228957.8
Date: 10/30/2012 1:39:06 PM
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I agree. This suggestion is a way to make training easier, which I am not a fan of. If free throw shooting is important enough to your team then take a little time to train it. At least you can fire your trainer and save a bunch of money while you train it.

From: chihorn

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228957.11 in reply to 228957.10
Date: 11/2/2012 9:21:39 AM
New York Chunks
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Check this out and let me know if you still think the same way: (187744.32)

A couple of other previous threads with past discussions: (38494.1) (10407.1)

Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!
From: Tangosz

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228957.12 in reply to 228957.11
Date: 11/2/2012 11:06:42 AM
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read down from that too, to check out this: (187744.101)

I find it kinda funny that everyone seems to complain about guys with good jump shot, and crappy free throw %, but nobody ever seems to complain about good FT shooters who can't hit a jumper. Also, I never see people complaining about guys with too high of a FT%, which are pretty easy to find in BB. Instead, it seems people want to be able to continue their current training regimens, but also get a bit of free FT thrown in. Now, I could support the idea of FT being elastically linked to JS (despite the fact that neither FG% as a whole, nor 3FG%, correlates strongly with FT%), as long as low FT equally holds back JS.

Now, as summarized in that linked thread, having the floor of lowest FT% be zero is unrealistic, but it's also very easy for a manager to decide to address that. So if the lack of realism is bothering you, you can choose to fix it.

From: chihorn

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228957.14 in reply to 228957.13
Date: 11/5/2012 3:12:37 PM
New York Chunks
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For the record, I am not suggesting to do away with FT training. In fact, I actually like that we have to train FT as a skill. I'm just suggesting a way to adjust the training so that the resulting skills are more realistic than the present situation, which I think will add to the enjoyment of the game. I'm not sure if anybody is saying FT training should disappear, exactly, but I'm certainly not.

Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!