6 games in! The only defeated team left is East Gary Eagles, in a wonderful turnaround from last season. Lots of teams tanked this week, presumably for cup games. Still aren't seeing the complete picture of this league yet with lots of rebuilds and money saving going on.
I've divided us into sections this week, based on the ratings.
Power Rankings
Above the Rest
1. Toronto Traptors, 20.426
2. Eclypze, 12.153
3. East Gary Eagles, 11.834
Fighting for the Playoffs
4. Cow Lickers, 5.223
5. Lake Charles Creoles, 4.942
6. Natellio, 3.823
7. Chicken Hawks, 3.737
8. lakey, 0.926
9. The Door Mats, 0.837
10. Thunderhorse, -0.319
11. CA Foreigners, -1.119
12. Demon Hoosiers, -1.888
13. The Veggies, -2.913
14. Bushrods, -6.988
Giving up?
15. Cathar Heretics, -18.505
16. Extra Crispy, -32.169
One last heads up: I'm working on implementing an update in my formula to include effort differences. This way, if you get Ct'd an lose, it's not as big of a deal as an even effort loss. And if you normal a TIE and lose, you're worse off. This should reward those saving enthusiasm, and give a good picture on where teams stand towards the end of the season, when enthusiasm really matters. Hope to have that next Wednesday.