(26455)The casual observer may wonder why the mighty U21 has lost 3 games in a row now. This casual observer may say such things as "there must be some glitch in the game engine", or "I'm confused". The answer is of course the most obvious: we lost those games on purpose. I need not remind you of the self-evidentness that the U21 can utterly destroy any opponent any time. It's so self-evident that I feel ridiculous even pointing it out here. However the inevitability of our victories has become so tedious that I decided to create a new challenge for the team. To annoy this guy:
(23806). And we're so awesome that even that was too easy. Next week we may have to cure Alzheimers to keep us on our toes.
And don't you worry about that gold trophy, even if we technically don't win it it will be awarded to us by a unanimous vote of the U21 World's coaches. They know we would have won it and would feel ashamed at some pretender taking it.
All hail the mighty U21 and the genius mastermind coach fewmit! End communication.