True, people always want more, but for atleast it would solve high salary players problems. To be honest i was thinking and i couldnt imagine what gms were thinking when making this game. They knew that max sustainable salary would be around 1m they knew the max salary at that time for a player would be 700k or so, now we have way smaller salaries cause of bunch of updates. But back on track if you buy 1top player you got left 300k, so how much should player be worth then? much less than their salary haha. Economics were already ruined before the game came out...
We need to solve this. and rising incomes would do it defitenely.
Simple logic: if a player is affordable he is worth something, if he isnt afordable he is a trash, trash worth nothing or nearly nothing
To make player affordable we need bigger incomes, simple logic too, or lower max salaries, simple logic which lead to the next thought: Another option to solve this problem would be to make salary increase depending on skills lineary, not exponentially. We already have luxury tax, so no need exponential salary counting anymore, because exponential salary increase was meant to work as some kind of luxury tax, mark said that. So now we have like luxury tax squared, in my eyes they should get rid of one of them.
Last edited by Gajus Julijus Cezaris at 1/27/2014 10:28:20 AM