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Deutschland - III.2 > Saison 30- Ligagemunkel

Saison 30- Ligagemunkel

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From: Hook

This Post:
266920.4 in reply to 266920.3
Date: 1/23/2015 2:11:57 PM
Chemnitz Supersonics
Overall Posts Rated:
Diese Saison lasse ich dich noch

This Post:
266920.5 in reply to 266920.4
Date: 1/24/2015 5:53:54 AM
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Moin, mein Ziel ist es dieses Saison mal alle Ligaspiele eine Aufstellung hinzubekommen.

Was ich interessant finde das so viele abschenken wollen. Da könnte ich mir ja glatt was ausmalen.

Aktuell habe ich etwas zu viel Gehalt aber mein zukünftiger NT Center soll halt bleiben, jemand nen Vorschlag?

Achso ja Draft war nicht so sehr

From: Minas
This Post:
266920.6 in reply to 266920.5
Date: 1/24/2015 6:57:58 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
hallo an die neuen.

saisonziel puh gute frage.
wenn ich so auf die gehaltsstatistik schaue müsste das ziel wohl sein die playoffs als heimteam zu erreichen.
notwendiger wäre aber ein ordentlicher trainingsplan für diese saison.


This Post:
266920.7 in reply to 266920.6
Date: 1/24/2015 11:49:07 AM
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Soso, alle reden vom Tanken und am Ende gibt's doch wieder Hauen und Stechen bis zum letzten Spieltag. Mal sehen, ob Ladypower wie letzte Saison angekündigt, diesmal wirklich angreift oder lieber doch noch eine Saison wartet.

Meine Ambitionen: noch nen gescheiten Trainee finden, mal wieder im Pokal über Runde 2 hinauskommen.

Viel Spaß allen Neulingen hier! Sind mir ja nicht alle unbekannt, gell, Hook?

This Post:
266920.8 in reply to 266920.5
Date: 1/24/2015 2:52:10 PM
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schön das du es zumindest in spiel eins geschafft hast!

This Post:
266920.9 in reply to 266920.8
Date: 1/24/2015 3:12:46 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Zum Nachtisch ein bisschen Zahlensalat:

Day 1 (Saturday 24 January 2015) : Performances by (

Night results
TRI-CITY RACERS 101 - GTown Patriots 89
AEK ATHENS B.C. 89 - Troumblers 102
Palantiri Minas 103 - Chemnitz Supersonics 95
Blankenburger Metrostars 108 - Walkover City 109
ladypower 74 - Vampirfrösche 102
St.Adtfeld Hoops 101 - Niners-Saufschnauzen 64
Bilderberg Club 89 - BG K-M-S 99 96
Hellabrunn Hupfdohlen 77 - Saxony-Kings 105

Best collective performance of the evening
Points : 109 : Walkover City
Rebounds : 62 : BG K-M-S 99, Saxony-Kings
Assists : 36 : St.Adtfeld Hoops
Steals : 11 : ladypower
Block Shots : 9 : Saxony-Kings

Personal best performances of the evening
Points : 61 : E. Heitmeier (Walkover City)
Rebounds : 22 : F. Abraham (Troumblers)
Assists : 9 : M. Moeini (BG K-M-S 99), M. Prugar (Troumblers), S. Zadunayskiy (St.Adtfeld Hoops)
Steals : 5 : T. Wambacher (GTown Patriots)
Block Shots : 5 : J. Zampatti (Saxony-Kings)

Top 5 of the evening
Point Guard : G. Guy (Bilderberg Club) (24 Points, 6 Rebounds, 5 Assists, 0 Steals, 0 Block Shots), L. Tiandong (Palantiri Minas) (20 Points, 7 Rebounds, 6 Assists, 4 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 24
Shooting Guard : E. Heitmeier (Walkover City) (61 Points, 12 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 1 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 54
Small Forward : M. Tarterini (Bilderberg Club) (35 Points, 7 Rebounds, 3 Assists, 1 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 38
Power Forward : J. Zampatti (Saxony-Kings) (34 Points, 10 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 1 Steals, 5 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 48
Center : N. Luo Lang (ladypower) (21 Points, 21 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 1 Steals, 2 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 36

MVP of the evening
E. Heitmeier (Walkover City) (61 Points, 12 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 1 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 54

The bad performance of the evening
K. Kulczykowski (ladypower) (6 Points, 1 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 2 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : -9

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens : F. Abraham (Troumblers), I. Pavković (Chemnitz Supersonics), R. Beckert (Niners-Saufschnauzen), P. Lobner (Niners-Saufschnauzen) : 5 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees : W. Nini (Chemnitz Supersonics), R. Burgk (Niners-Saufschnauzen), R. Lavoie (Bilderberg Club), G. Guy (Bilderberg Club), A. Gietmann (Walkover City), K. Lyle (Walkover City), H. Loethen (Walkover City), D. Zeilikovicius (ladypower), K. Kulczykowski (ladypower), D. Buric (TRI-CITY RACERS), F. Laala (Palantiri Minas), T. Scheberras (Hellabrunn Hupfdohlen), G. Ricci (Blankenburger Metrostars) : 6 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man : R. Beckert (Niners-Saufschnauzen), L. Ramirez (Niners-Saufschnauzen), P. Lobner (Niners-Saufschnauzen), G. Hirt (Niners-Saufschnauzen), D. Passone (AEK ATHENS B.C.), J. Lüderwaldt (St.Adtfeld Hoops), E. Burleson (TRI-CITY RACERS), T. Vebers (TRI-CITY RACERS), E. Lawry (TRI-CITY RACERS), G. Raduta (TRI-CITY RACERS), K. Clarke (Palantiri Minas), Z. Miloš (Hellabrunn Hupfdohlen), Y. Sprung (Hellabrunn Hupfdohlen) : 48 Minutes

The shooter : A. Tassone (GTown Patriots), Z. Miloš (Hellabrunn Hupfdohlen) : 8 Three points

The best performer : G. Byrd (BG K-M-S 99) : Rating : 15.5

The worst performer : J. Brosman (Hellabrunn Hupfdohlen) : Rating : 3.0

This Post:
266920.10 in reply to 266920.9
Date: 1/24/2015 4:15:07 PM
Chemnitz Supersonics
Overall Posts Rated:
Also ich muss sagen... eine doch sehr sympatische Liga.

Es hätte sogar fast zum 1. Sieg gereicht, WENN sich mein Center nach 3 Minuten nicht den Fingernagel eingerissen hätte und mein PG nach 30 Minuten ebenfalls nicht mehr wollte...

Last edited by Hook at 1/24/2015 4:16:14 PM

From: smash99

To: Hook
This Post:
266920.11 in reply to 266920.10
Date: 1/27/2015 1:54:07 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
So ist das wenn die Spieler nach dem Manager gescoutet werden :D B)

From: Hook

This Post:
266920.12 in reply to 266920.11
Date: 1/27/2015 1:35:08 PM
Chemnitz Supersonics
Overall Posts Rated:

This Post:
266920.13 in reply to 266920.12
Date: 1/28/2015 7:24:41 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Day 2 (Tuesday 27 January 2015) : Performances by (

Night results
GTown Patriots 56 - AEK ATHENS B.C. 89
Troumblers 82 - Palantiri Minas 100
Chemnitz Supersonics 74 - Blankenburger Metrostars 86
Walkover City 102 - TRI-CITY RACERS 112
Vampirfrösche 116 - St.Adtfeld Hoops 104
Niners-Saufschnauzen 45 - Bilderberg Club 122
BG K-M-S 99 92 - Hellabrunn Hupfdohlen 74
Saxony-Kings 83 - ladypower 89

Best collective performance of the evening
Points : 122 : Bilderberg Club
Rebounds : 69 : Bilderberg Club
Assists : 31 : Bilderberg Club
Steals : 18 : Walkover City
Block Shots : 12 : Saxony-Kings

Personal best performances of the evening
Points : 57 : M. Tarterini (Bilderberg Club)
Rebounds : 24 : F. Holzmüller (Bilderberg Club), E. Rivers (TRI-CITY RACERS)
Assists : 17 : M. Maggiore (TRI-CITY RACERS)
Steals : 4 : Y. Qiri (BG K-M-S 99), T. Amigo (Chemnitz Supersonics), D. Mattu (Walkover City), J. Millerioux (Walkover City)
Block Shots : 5 : L. Prandoni (Saxony-Kings)

Top 5 of the evening
Point Guard : M. Maggiore (TRI-CITY RACERS) (21 Points, 5 Rebounds, 17 Assists, 3 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 34
Shooting Guard : R. Geugelin (Vampirfrösche) (37 Points, 1 Rebounds, 10 Assists, 3 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 36
Small Forward : M. Tarterini (Bilderberg Club) (57 Points, 9 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 2 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 50
Power Forward : F. Holzmüller (Bilderberg Club) (15 Points, 24 Rebounds, 9 Assists, 1 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 42
Center : E. Rivers (TRI-CITY RACERS) (22 Points, 24 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 0 Steals, 3 Block Shots), E. Gürsoy (Blankenburger Metrostars) (20 Points, 22 Rebounds, 3 Assists, 1 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 36

MVP of the evening
M. Tarterini (Bilderberg Club) (57 Points, 9 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 2 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 50

The bad performance of the evening
T. De Temmerman (Niners-Saufschnauzen) (1 Points, 0 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 1 Steals, 0 Block Shots), M. Dolmatsch (Walkover City) (5 Points, 5 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 0 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : -8

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens : J. Heueisen (TRI-CITY RACERS) : 8 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees : G. Quellmelz (Vampirfrösche), F. Andorinha (GTown Patriots), L. Faccin (Chemnitz Supersonics), N. Belović (Niners-Saufschnauzen), T. De Temmerman (Niners-Saufschnauzen), M. Chavoshi (ladypower), T. Scheberras (Hellabrunn Hupfdohlen) : 6 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man : J. Hester (Saxony-Kings), R. Krispl (Vampirfrösche), B. Arsenijević (GTown Patriots), R. Burgk (Niners-Saufschnauzen), J. Schäperwisch (Niners-Saufschnauzen), M. Peckeliunas (Niners-Saufschnauzen), H. Feitzinger (ladypower), M. Poškaitis (ladypower), M. Heusinger (St.Adtfeld Hoops), M. Maggiore (TRI-CITY RACERS), E. Rivers (TRI-CITY RACERS), J. Heueisen (TRI-CITY RACERS), B. Bourgeois (TRI-CITY RACERS), Y. Lisse-Treuchel (Palantiri Minas), Z. Miloš (Hellabrunn Hupfdohlen), Y. Sprung (Hellabrunn Hupfdohlen) : 48 Minutes

The shooter : R. Geugelin (Vampirfrösche), Z. Miloš (Hellabrunn Hupfdohlen) : 7 Three points

The best performer : U. Brych (Palantiri Minas) : Rating : 14.0

The worst performer : T. De Temmerman (Niners-Saufschnauzen) : Rating : 1.5

This Post:
266920.14 in reply to 266920.13
Date: 1/28/2015 7:25:14 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Season 30 : Performances (by (

Best collective performance of the season
Points : 218 : Vampirfrösche
Rebounds : 119 : BG K-M-S 99
Assists : 60 : St.Adtfeld Hoops
Steals : 23 : Walkover City
Block Shots : 21 : Saxony-Kings

Personal best performances of the season
Points : 61 : E. Heitmeier (Walkover City)
Rebounds : 24 : F. Holzmüller (Bilderberg Club), E. Rivers (TRI-CITY RACERS)
Assists : 17 : M. Maggiore (TRI-CITY RACERS)
Steals : 5 : T. Wambacher (GTown Patriots)
Block Shots : 5 : J. Zampatti (Saxony-Kings), L. Prandoni (Saxony-Kings)

Top 5 of the season
Point Guard : M. Maggiore (TRI-CITY RACERS) (21 Points, 5 Rebounds, 17 Assists, 3 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 34
Shooting Guard : R. Geugelin (Vampirfrösche) (35.5 Points, 2 Rebounds, 7.5 Assists, 3 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 32
Small Forward : M. Tarterini (Bilderberg Club) (46 Points, 8 Rebounds, 2.5 Assists, 1.5 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 44
Power Forward : J. Zampatti (Saxony-Kings) (34 Points, 10 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 1 Steals, 5 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 48
Center : E. Rivers (TRI-CITY RACERS) (22 Points, 24 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 0 Steals, 3 Block Shots), N. Luo Lang (ladypower) (21 Points, 21 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 1 Steals, 2 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 36

MVP of the season
J. Zampatti (Saxony-Kings) (34 Points, 10 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 1 Steals, 5 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 48

The bad performance of the season
K. Kulczykowski (ladypower) (6 Points, 1 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 2 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : -9

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens during the season : T. Nürnberg (Vampirfrösche) : 9 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees during the season : T. Scheberras (Hellabrunn Hupfdohlen) : 12 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man of the season : Y. Sprung (Hellabrunn Hupfdohlen), Z. Miloš (Hellabrunn Hupfdohlen) : 96 Minutes

The shooter of the season : Z. Miloš (Hellabrunn Hupfdohlen) : 15 Three points

The best performer of the season : G. Byrd (BG K-M-S 99) : Rating : 15.5

The worst performer of the season : T. De Temmerman (Niners-Saufschnauzen) : Rating : 1.5
