I understand the daytrader argument ... If daytraders have nothing better to do with their lives than sit around on bb waiting to make money good on them.
That makes it clear that you don't understand how daytrading damages BB. Or it was your anger and not your brain speaking.
Yes, anger but i dont think i grasp the damage daytraders are doing so would be happy to hear your thoughts. Other than the obvious inflated prices which isnt their sole doing.
@maddog, completely agree with all your comments +1
BB says i cant sell 15 players without significant fines/consequences? Why not? My team, my business. I lise massive money when doing so given the limited time these guys have been on my roster. I have to wear that. I understand that.
But not being able to sell 15 players if i choose to? Why not? It's a serious question because while im all for many of the changes to bb one thing i will always speak up about is manager choice when it comes to rosters and managing them.