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Forfeits by previous owner

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From: boule

To: FurY
This Post:
280780.4 in reply to 280780.1
Date: 7/27/2016 2:16:05 AM
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Second Team:
Les Boulettes Utopiennes
I read that, for utopia, the forfeits were not passed on to the new team. I do think that you won't be penalized by forfeits from a previous owner.

To be confirmed by somebody else.

This Post:
280780.5 in reply to 280780.1
Date: 7/27/2016 9:33:21 PM
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My thought was that the forfeits would still be used for the tiebreakers in ranking the teams, but that the draft pick penalty doesn't apply to forfeits which happened before the new team took over. I'm going to bump this up the ladder to see if we can get a more definitive answer.

From: FurY

This Post:
280780.6 in reply to 280780.5
Date: 7/28/2016 12:27:16 AM
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It in the end will not make or break my specific decision to invest in future utopia or supporter, but i have to think at some point this is going to become a bigger issue with someone that is none to happy to have been given a utopia team that has forfeited games. On the flip side, forfeited games do position that team, regardless of whether or not they did it, in a position to gain a high draft pick. This argument perhaps is something for a suggestions forum or something.

The reason i want to know is it impacts how many draft scouting points i invest in per week down the stretch and whether or not i spend them this season on the utopia team.

From: FurY

This Post:
280780.8 in reply to 280780.7
Date: 7/28/2016 2:21:11 PM
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thank you for this information.

This Post:
280780.10 in reply to 280780.9
Date: 7/29/2016 7:36:11 AM
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And I can confirm that it is correct and not a one time correction. New owners do not get draft penalties from previous owner's forfeits.