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Season 36!!

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282099.4 in reply to 282099.3
Date: 10/02/2016 20:30:31
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Same here, I'll board that ship, too. Will use the hours each week I spend in here to get my bass playing skill up from now :)

To everyone: Key players on the list for 1 buck, all matches set with mostly weaker players, a standard tactic and TIE until the end of the season. That excludes the tuesday's match vs. Brutus, it's a goodbye gift for the Nr. 1 ;) I should go bot just before the playoffs. Therefore, I'll get rid off my second team RIYAZAKI MOCKERS as well. As usual when I quit something, I set a password I won't remember. So after logout, I'm off...

As you said... No more wasting time on a game that is stuck in 2008. Cheers...

Season 19 to 36. R.I.P. MIYAZAKI ROCKERS

Last edited by Rorufuchan at 10/02/2016 21:19:28

This Post:
282099.5 in reply to 282099.4
Date: 10/03/2016 06:11:16
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I hear you. I am tired of them fixing stuff that isn't broken....Who needs court logos? Not me. I need merged micros and seeded cups. Take care and I hope your bass playing gets a lot better.

From: Knecht
This Post:
282099.6 in reply to 282099.5
Date: 10/05/2016 07:28:35
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Hey guys!

Sorry to see Japan waste away - I always followed the country for a bit and hoped to play in this league one day... Well we got Utopia now...

The sun rises in the east - unfortunately it goes down in the west.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
From: malice

This Post:
282099.7 in reply to 282099.6
Date: 10/07/2016 09:22:44
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Everyone's falling by the wayside. My interest's waning too, and I think even Brutus is sick of this. - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
From: Brutus

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282099.8 in reply to 282099.7
Date: 10/07/2016 18:46:11
Brutus Buckeye
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The Ironmen
No, not sick of it. I'll be around for a while. Just been busy and facing the need to start rebuilding soon while I can still get some value for guys in the market. I do wish we could do something to make it more competitive though. I'm all for the consolidation if they ever decide to go through with it.

This Post:
282099.9 in reply to 282099.7
Date: 10/08/2016 05:58:55
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What is sad is that you and Brutus can't leave. he donated and you just got re-elected. for myself, I am going to sell off at the end of the cup and put my training on 1 on 1 for Togo and Ezaki. And I am gone.

This Post:
282099.10 in reply to 282099.9
Date: 10/08/2016 06:26:16
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I can't even remember to set line-ups.
edit: for my team. The U21s are ok.

Last edited by malice at 10/08/2016 06:26:30 - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
This Post:
282099.11 in reply to 282099.10
Date: 10/13/2016 08:28:12
Overall Posts Rated:

it's bullshit!!!

This Post:
282099.12 in reply to 282099.11
Date: 10/13/2016 13:42:13
Brutus Buckeye
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The Ironmen
Let's take a look:

DMI: I'm not a believer that DMI will tell you everything but I know some people around here believe in it strongly. I think it does give you a general sense of the combination of primaries + GS impact. It is at least a good point of comparison.
Himachies top 5: 1,216,800 464,000 362,800 347,300 161,700
NewStar top 5: 1,292,500 806,000 484,600 410,500 173,400

Let's compare two more things for the same 5 guys in the same order.

Himachies: $191,456 $81,559 $94,255 $62,264 $16,955
NewStar: $87,828 $44,989 $82,165 $43,186 $19,841

Game Shape:
Himachies: 7 7 5 7 8
NewStar: 9 9 7 8 8

Assuming that higher salary is an indication of higher skills, New star has offset Himachies skill advantage by having better Game Shapes to gain a small DMI advantage.

Then add to that a couple other factors.
- New Star was the home team so gets home court advantage
- New Star put more effort into the game giving them a little more advantage
- New Star picked wrong on both Game Day Prep items. which would offset the above to some extent.

So, this outcome doesn't seem wrong at all. You made two mistakes. 1) Letting your game shape slip and 2) Not recognizing your were coming in weak and assumed you would win automatically, letting him put in more effort.

Last edited by Brutus at 10/13/2016 13:43:15

This Post:
282099.13 in reply to 282099.12
Date: 10/16/2016 02:21:01
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks Brutus but i already knew them. Despite everything, there is a big difference between the two teams. I was shocked when I saw the result. :)

This Post:
282099.14 in reply to 282099.13
Date: 10/19/2016 08:43:24
Overall Posts Rated:
My last cup game!!! I will use this opportunity to protest the shit in this game I hate.

1. 50-0 or I set a line up.....either way...I get nothing. You lose in the cup final and you get nothing. people have been bitching about this forever.
2. BC Toroos= a class act....Sharman and the new Sharman...NOT
After BC Toroos won his first BB3 championship( A free pass to the BB3)....he no longer felt the need to win the cup so he stopped trying after the sweet 16 round and in turn, it actually showcased what OTHER good teams there were in Canada. It also gave the country another team to root for on Wednesday nights. the Sharman effect. Now the Brutus effect. If teams can't progress in the game they quit. And maybe you want to play 22 bot games so you can add to the win tally on your team page but is it really good for Japan? And before you talk shit about me..I have always had class. The two times I won the cup, I didn't try to win the league even knowing I had a decent team that could have won the double. If teams can't get to the BB3, then there in no light at the end of the tunnel. And teams quit. I am quitting because this game is stuck in 2010. No App and they still have text in the game engine. that is sad.
3. Micro nations, Donations, and all the other BS
They had the chance to keep a lot of micro nation managers...all they had to do was merge the small nations.
the donations are a joke...When I first saw the game ad on a NBA site and again on Roto world, I clicked and started playing. That was a long time ago. Where are the ads now?...Please tell me what site so I can see if they are there. I go to basketball sites and see no BB ads. I don't think there is any ads. I think it is PAY for Favors. It is no coincidence that the top 7 teams in the BB3 right now are supporters or teams who have donated. I also find it interesting that after you speak of BB negatively, your team all of a sudden has a really bad game or horrible attendance. believe me..I am not the only one that thinks so.
So....I will be giving a 50-0 tomorrow. Sorry if people wanted to watch it I said. A loss is $0 and a blow out loss is $0. So why play it?

Last edited by Yellow cake at 10/19/2016 08:45:02
