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Nippon - I.1 > SEASON 37!!! Fresh Fish!!

SEASON 37!!! Fresh Fish!!

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283601.4 in reply to 283601.3
Date: 12/09/2016 20:19:20
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Wow!!! Everyone is juicing their rosters!!! I am going to ride the salary floor for a bit. I might buy someone as we get deeper into the cup.

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283601.5 in reply to 283601.4
Date: 12/15/2016 05:58:04
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OMG!!! I am only up on this bot by 6 points!!!! Did they juice these bot teams!!

From: malice
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283601.6 in reply to 283601.5
Date: 12/31/2016 22:31:35
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Leading into inter-conference play, this is where we stand:

Season 37 : Performances (by (

Best collective performance of the season
Points : 775 : Kitakyushu
Rebounds : 408 : Basel Rockets
Assists : 213 : Northern Kyushu Ramen Kings
Steals : 70 : Northern Kyushu Ramen Kings
Block Shots : 69 : Northern Kyushu Ramen Kings

Personal best performances of the season
Points : 52 : F. Xanza (Brutus Buckeye)
Rebounds : 28 : M. Ishimura (BC Toyohashi ballers)
Assists : 15 : T. Beskov (A WildCats)
Steals : 6 : M. Navadvarskas (Nansoy)
Block Shots : 6 : Y. Kanazawa (Sendai Queen), M. Domburgs (A WildCats), X. Xianhan (BlueHoppers)

Top 5 of the season
Point Guard : T. Vedinoglou (Himachies) (13.7 Points, 4.4 Rebounds, 7 Assists, 1.1 Steals, 1.6 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 21.7
Shooting Guard : T. Pliners (Himachies) (27.9 Points, 4 Rebounds, 5.1 Assists, 1.3 Steals, 0.3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 28.1
Small Forward : K. Tomioka (Northern Kyushu Ramen Kings) (18.3 Points, 6.9 Rebounds, 5.3 Assists, 2.4 Steals, 0.3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 22.3
Power Forward : D. Rose (Northern Kyushu Ramen Kings) (18 Points, 15 Rebounds, 3 Assists, 1.6 Steals, 2 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 33
Center : F. Xanza (Brutus Buckeye) (27.6 Points, 13.9 Rebounds, 4.4 Assists, 0.6 Steals, 2.7 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 39.9

MVP of the season
F. Xanza (Brutus Buckeye) (27.6 Points, 13.9 Rebounds, 4.4 Assists, 0.6 Steals, 2.7 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 39.9

The bad performance of the season
J. Connelly (new star311) (7 Points, 2 Rebounds, 1 Assists, 1 Steals, 0 Block Shots)Y. Nagumo (Mighty kings) (0 Points, 6 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 0 Steals, 0 Block Shots)A. Tokuda (Tavipuff Pandas) (5 Points, 1 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 0 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : -17

Triple-Double of the season
J. Gauche (new star311) (25 Points, 19 Rebounds, 10 Assists, 3 Steals, 0 Block Shots), T. Pliners (Himachies) (12 Points, 10 Rebounds, 10 Assists, 0 Steals, 0 Block Shots), X. Xianhan (BlueHoppers) (16 Points, 12 Rebounds, 10 Assists, 2 Steals, 1 Block Shots), R. Strasser (Tavipuff Pandas) (14 Points, 10 Rebounds, 11 Assists, 1 Steals, 1 Block Shots)

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens during the season : J. Czuryło (Nansoy), J. Garrido (Basel Rockets) : 24 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees during the season : Y. Kanazawa (Sendai Queen) : 30 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man of the season : B. Cancelarich (Sendai Queen) : 336 Minutes

The shooter of the season : T. Pliners (Himachies) : 26 Three points

The best performer of the season : D. Rose (Northern Kyushu Ramen Kings) : Rating : 20.5

The worst performer of the season : K. Takimoto (Mighty kings), Y. Iwai (BC Toyohashi ballers) : Rating : 1.0 - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
This Post:
283601.7 in reply to 283601.6
Date: 01/05/2017 06:42:33
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the lottery begins........there will be 4 bots in the next round, who will get a bot????

This Post:
283601.8 in reply to 283601.7
Date: 01/05/2017 07:56:51
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And we have some monster games next week.....
#1. Brutus vs. #3. NKRK now this is going to be a good game..even better if Brutus spends a little

#2. Himachis vs #5. Torigoe Birds Himachis going through unless something crazy happens

#4. Kitakyushu vs #8 Newstar he has some beast I have to keep in check

#9, #10, #12 all got bots....

Crazy draw for sure.
Now what would it look like if it were seeded from the sweet 16 like I have suggested for 15 seasons now.
#1. Brutus
#16. BOT

#8. Tokyo Tornados
#9. Basil

#5. Torigoe
#12. Tokyo BB

#4. Kitakyushu
#13. BOT

#6. Newstar
#11. Blackstar BS

#3. NKRK
#14. BOT

#7. Wildcats
#10. Bluehoppers

#2. Himachis
#15. BOT

Much better

This Post:
283601.9 in reply to 283601.8
Date: 01/05/2017 08:42:18
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That would be way too appropriate to happen. - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
This Post:
283601.10 in reply to 283601.9
Date: 01/07/2017 06:53:44
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Torigoe, GREAT GAME!! The great 8 is killing it this season.

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283601.11 in reply to 283601.8
Date: 01/12/2017 21:27:43
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And we have some monster games next week.....
#1. Brutus vs. #3. NKRK now this is going to be a good game..even better if Brutus spends a little

#2. Himachis vs #5. Torigoe Birds Himachis going through unless something crazy happens

#4. Kitakyushu vs #8 Newstar he has some beast I have to keep in check

#9, #10, #12 all got bots....

Crazy draw for sure.

#1. Brutus vs. #3. NKRK - I got lucky. Brutus's in a re-build phase at the mo'.
#2. Himachies vs #5 Torigoe Birds - the new powerhouse eliminates his rival.
#4. Kitakyushu vs #8 Newstar - THIS one surprised... even with the ratings, the result doesn't quite gel. Good win for the new kid on the block!


Next up:
#11 Basel Rockets @ #12 BlueHoppers
#9 A WildCats @ #10 Tokyo Tornadoes
#8 new star311 @ #1 Himachies
... and I get #19 A tokyo bb at my place.

Thoughts? At first glance, I think there are 3 pretty good games there. My picks:
Basel, Wildcats, Himachies... and yours truly.

Last edited by malice at 01/12/2017 21:29:23 - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
This Post:
283601.12 in reply to 283601.11
Date: 01/12/2017 21:51:31
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I got greedy. I thought I could still use this game for training. Should have run man to man with my best SF in his position. Instead I ran a big at SF and tried to use 2-3 zone. Oh well. Good game to New Stars. But I will admit...this game(BB as a whole) is buggy as all hell right now. Never seen so many 3 second violations, 10 second shot clock violations, balls being thrown out of bounds. And my team has turned into a hacking foul machine.

Last edited by Yellow cake at 01/13/2017 05:59:54

This Post:
283601.14 in reply to 283601.13
Date: 01/13/2017 05:48:19
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I thought this game was right on!! Not buggy at all. BUT, This season as a whole has been buggy. Seems to me that they need to spend some more money on the GE and servers because JUST MAYBE a better product will have a better effect on keeping new users than wasting it on useless ads. TBH, I love this game but the weekly numbers are quite discouraging. And 1 new user doesn't equal a user who had been playing for 12 seasons leaving the game. And like Jet Li in the movie, THE ONE, I am the last one of my friends to be playing. Two of my best friends quit last year and now my brother quit in December. And as the numbers dwindle down, there has to be a bottom number where they just can't keep the game going.
I know you are a GM so I have a question for you. What are they doing to make the game better?
We all know it isn't merging micros, are they going to revamp the training, attendance ? Anything?

Last edited by Yellow cake at 01/13/2017 05:49:40
