BuzzerBeater Forums

Suggestions > New User Interface

New User Interface

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From: marijoh

This Post:
302473.4 in reply to 302473.3
Date: 12/09/2019 13:23:49
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Have you ever considered working as a volunteer for BuzzerBeater?
The success of the site has always largely depended on the contributions our great staff has done over all these years.
They are a support system for new and old users both, and help with a lot of tasks required to make BuzzerBeater a better game for all of us.
If you want to enjoy the game in a different way and be a member of our staff, just send an application to with the title: “Staff”.
Write a brief summary (in english) with your BuzzerBeater data, the languages you speak, the position you are applying for (GM, LA or MOD) and your reasons to join us.
We will save your application and keep you in mind if we need staff in your country.

By the way, where are they headquarters located?

I think is in USA but I dont sure.

From: Takun

This Post:
302473.5 in reply to 302473.4
Date: 12/09/2019 17:10:54
Overall Posts Rated:
The success of the site has always largely depended on the contributions our great staff has done over all these years.
What kind of contributions do you mean?

Write a brief summary (in english) with your BuzzerBeater data
What information do you mean?

the position you are applying for (GM, LA or MOD)
Can you tell me what are these positions and which resposabilities do they have? Or at least, where can I find them.

Thank you very much.

From: Takun

This Post:
302473.7 in reply to 302473.6
Date: 12/09/2019 17:33:04
Overall Posts Rated:
that doesn't really say what I asked but it's okay xD

From: marijoh

This Post:
302473.8 in reply to 302473.7
Date: 12/09/2019 17:40:56
Overall Posts Rated:

Can you tell me what are these positions and which resposabilities do they have? Or at least, where can I find them.

GM- make sure that people do not cheat in the game, or that they do not write anything in the forums

LA- translate everything administrators write in English into the languages of the country you are from

What information do you mean?

write a short CV about yourself, where you are from, what languages do you speak, what schooling did you complete, how would you like to help play, as an interpreter-LA,
as Administrator -GM. or maybe as a developer

Last edited by marijoh at 12/09/2019 17:45:19

From: Takun

This Post:
302473.9 in reply to 302473.8
Date: 12/09/2019 17:50:09
Overall Posts Rated:
thaaanks, really apreciate it

From: marijoh

This Post:
302473.10 in reply to 302473.9
Date: 12/09/2019 17:58:29
Overall Posts Rated:
not problem I'm glad if I helped you..

From: Ob1

This Post:
302473.11 in reply to 302473.1
Date: 12/10/2019 05:11:00
Overall Posts Rated:
The user interface is designed as a data tool or knowledge database i have used in my previous telco company (10 years ago). I do not think it can accommodate graphics like what you see in nba live (dynasty mode) if any of you actually play that. At the end of the day, this is a browser based game. I doubt that they will invest in software to improve the graphic interface. I am not too excited in the app version, unless it is totally different from what we are all used to.

What i have always suggested is to improve the in game graphics of at least viewing a real basketball game with live graphics and actual players playing, instead of watching line by line what is happening. Lets hope the app is better than we all expect.

From: Ob1

This Post:
302473.13 in reply to 302473.12
Date: 12/10/2019 06:45:06
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Yes op just wanted some cosmetic improvements but i took it further because I want the developers to improve the game. In a few weeks it will be 2020. It would be definitely more exciting to watch games on a live interface. Sign ups are great but its really customer retention that they should focus on. Our BB population is dwindling and some changes are not unreasonable to expect to attract new players and give some more old players reason to stay and be engaged.

Last edited by Ob1 at 12/10/2019 06:46:15
