Players with high driving and handling only are total garbage. However, the most usual advice here is "start by training 1 on 1" then train other skills. This might seem odd but because of the elastic effect, skills which are low train faster until they level with the higher skills. So if you train a lot of 1 on 1, when you train pressure OD pops way faster than it would normally, since elastic effect gives it a boost.
But... you kinda "lose" a lot of prime training time raising driving and handling, which are secondaries... so the question is: in the end does it compensate? isn't it better to train OD when the player is 18yo and trains fast? handling and driving eat cap space and raise salaries, is it worthy in the end? i'm not really sure if this is good advice but ok... imho the best amount of driving and handling you must target is the highest amount that will not consume too much of training time, cap space and salary.
Last edited by Bernspin at 9/22/2020 4:48:04 AM