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Suggestions > bonuses on a player's contract

bonuses on a player's contract

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37091.4 in reply to 37091.3
Date: 6/26/2008 1:19:48 PM
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It's not in the transfer, but afterwards...

Yes, but then it should be possible to hand out bonusses for your other players as well, otherwise their wives will come and shoot you. ;)

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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37091.5 in reply to 37091.4
Date: 6/26/2008 1:26:20 PM
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indeed - it is an big once investment for a less wage

you are looking for that what womans would think about it, it comes from where?:)

This Post:
37091.6 in reply to 37091.5
Date: 6/26/2008 1:31:38 PM
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I just wanted to continue my story...

what I actually meant with that post is that the bonus system should not be linked to a transfer, it should be possible at any given time.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
37091.7 in reply to 37091.6
Date: 6/26/2008 1:34:35 PM
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good idea;)

This Post:
37091.8 in reply to 37091.1
Date: 6/26/2008 1:54:47 PM
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i don't like it that much, because it mades the game a bit lees flexible, because a lot would play longer time with suboptimal players or buy/sell players pretty late.

This Post:
37091.9 in reply to 37091.8
Date: 6/26/2008 6:48:28 PM
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if you play long with suboptimal players, you can have an disadvantage on your performances..

this less wage bonus could be very minimal - I thought about payback 500 000 after a 3-4 seasons, so you have to have pretty good reason before you will give him a car, in house it would be twice more (1M, 6-7 seasons?) - anyway there can be marked before sign that contract that the player will have less wage just only about 4K or so

these numbers can be different, I'm not matematic, I just made an idea

it is about the strategy and it is optional, not forced decision - while you would not use this player and keep him on the team only, you lose a money for his wage anyway, because if you pay to someone and not use him, it is always wasting

In real life there are some long contracts like that, sometimes you keep a player for a 6 years just because an contract you made, it is about planning your future and I would like to see here even this option, option to have any contract dilema

and you can sell him when you want, if early - you lose more, if not, you take your advantage - while he has to be good enough for your team, but it is about your future plan

Last edited by Iordanou at 6/26/2008 6:57:25 PM

This Post:
37091.10 in reply to 37091.9
Date: 6/27/2008 2:49:49 AM
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this less wage bonus could be very minimal - I thought about payback 500 000 after a 3-4 seasons

ähhm minimal or betwenn 125.000 and 165000$ per season? I know the actual players dood players ain't at that level the elite was next season, but i think a average salary betwenn 10.000 and 15.000$ per week was an good approximation for an average team, and oh those guys get betwenn 160.000 and 240.000$ per season in the minimal bonus was over 50% of their salary ... And hell yeah, normally an investment which just give you a payback was an bad investment, so you need some extra tme holding those players to get an advantage so that your money work for you.

anyway there can be marked before sign that contract that the player will have less wage just only about 4K or so

yeah a fix reduction of salary was i think the only way this could be integrated, else it was a think just for trainees because the think had depending on the fact that the salary raises.

So maybe it's more like renting the house for the players, but why destroyining it after he is out of town :)(and things like that are more common they the playergets a leased car or the clubs arrange the players his 'appartment' maybe one the club owns)

In real life there are some long contracts like that, sometimes you keep a player for a 6 years just because an contract you made, it is about planning your future and I would like to see here even this option, option to have any contract dilema

6 year contracts was pretty rare in leagues with promoting and relegation, and the player progress here is much faster then in rl which makes the game faster where you could say this guy was an star even in 6 season in my league/team but it is nearly impossible to estimate if your player still a star(which makes it maybe again a trainee thing, but this was bad when everybody just trainis for his team because of this fine salary different). On the other you could do less things like a real gm, and for a lot players it was fun acting so i like strategic elements who forced you to do nothing - like that even it was an strateic decision.

This Post:
37091.11 in reply to 37091.10
Date: 6/27/2008 3:58:16 AM
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these all numbers are all just for example I in fact didn't count with any, I just wrote them

I in fact didn't focused on anything - for me is important just a point and the idea as it is, this suggestion should be developed and very changed, but the idea is here, so where is the problem?

I know that is important for you to have things clear, but on volume of suggestions I made I just have no time - I just need to know if you agree the basic image, that's all

however if you need to be on the opposit for any price, just be there, I don't care

edit: this is a place to put here your own constructive suggestions about it, is very limited way of thinking to decline everything just because you want to decline something

Last edited by Iordanou at 6/27/2008 4:10:02 AM

This Post:
37091.12 in reply to 37091.11
Date: 6/27/2008 4:16:58 AM
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oh oh it is this way you discuss i write you why i don't like that idea ;) And now i'm the man who declines everything because of that, or because i didn't like an other idea of you(which counts for a lot others guys so) ...

So now my constructive propose for that, let it be - or what do you think should i say?

Yeah but you a great debater, how you make opponents slow without arguments just with assumptions ...

Last edited by CrazyEye at 6/27/2008 4:20:49 AM

This Post:
37091.13 in reply to 37091.12
Date: 6/27/2008 4:22:45 AM
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of course and I'm sorry for indoctrination, you doesn't need that

edit: I don't feel others like oponents, maybe there is a problem and maybe on a language barier that I look like that, I don't know

edit2: while I'm thinking about it, is true that for many people I'm looking like assumption, that's maybe because I'm not so much used to use public conferences, where is so much overreacting, so people automaticly expect from me an arrogance if I'm acting normally and just saying what I think? Maybe there is a point?

Last edited by Iordanou at 6/27/2008 4:32:34 AM

From: OJAY

This Post:
37091.14 in reply to 37091.13
Date: 6/29/2008 11:11:10 AM
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Sorry but I think your idea make not really sense for the current BB game...

Your idea would be maybe make sense for me if there would be an option to enticing away an player from other Teams, so you can give him a car or ten blonde cheerleaders for his fun to held him in your team for the next seasons :-)
