but with individuell orders it is pretty hard to figure out, how the game works which is also important for an "rookie" that he stays at this game.
It is even not so easy to read the engine, but you could see effects in rating and could analys games with that. Even you could react in defense through open which got pretty hard, when he swithched his game play every 3 minutes because he substitutes a player.
So i thing, tactics with faocus like we ahve now a days are pretty good, and yeah they don't reflect the compete deep of basketball. but iw ould say that it is pretty hard to refelct more of it in this game, the problems of the box and one for example is that you just shot down star player(or maybe the guards in a triangle and 2), but what if when he doesn't play? In this case the coach switch the people who get man to man defense, and probadly this could be on a other position but here you cann#t impelnent such switch.