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BB Portugal > Treino 28/11/08

Treino 28/11/08

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61720.4 in reply to 61720.3
Date: 11/28/2008 8:30:09 AM
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Pelo que a malta ta a dizer tb tem a ver com as subidas de skills. Em teoria o algoritmo que processa os treinos ignorou um dos jogos da semana (supõe-se que tenha sido o primeiro) e sendo assim deve ter ignorado os minutos para efeitos de forma e de treino.

Chamo a atenção que nada disto é oficial, são tudo teorias de quem se foi queixar aos bugs.

This Post:
61720.5 in reply to 61720.4
Date: 11/28/2008 8:32:18 AM
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E cá está... mais oficial que isto não há!

De: BB-Mike

Para: Todos
61682.42 Em resposta a 61682.41
Data: 28-11-2008 13:26:18
Thanks everyone, we are aware of the problem, and will be addressing it shortly. We have all of the information that we need, so further reports are not necessary.

This Post:
61720.6 in reply to 61720.5
Date: 11/28/2008 9:01:48 AM
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Não tive nenhuma subida, mas, em contrapartida, dos 9 jogadores com "bons minutos", 3 subiram, 5 mantiveram e apenas um desceu a forma.

Espero que não me venham para aqui alterar o esquema...

This Post:
61720.7 in reply to 61720.6
Date: 11/28/2008 9:13:05 AM
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Eu estava-me a admirar o Eduardo Botelho jogar 60 minutos e descer a forma de respeitável para medíocre.
Espero que corrigem isso e que não afectem os jogadores que tiveram subidas.

This Post:
61720.8 in reply to 61720.7
Date: 11/28/2008 11:50:54 AM
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De: BB-Charles

Para: Todos
61682.58 Em resposta a 61682.57
Data: 28-11-2008 16:36:57
Just a quick update:

As you all seem to have figured out, training did not include Saturday games. We are in the middle of restoring everything from our backup. As this affects the entire BB world, it's a slow process, and will take us a few hours to complete.

Once that's done, we will be able to roll back training and rerun it. Since players were considered to have played strictly fewer minutes than they actually did, anybody who had a pop in the old training would be expected to have a pop in the new training.

However, when we rerun training, I expect we will be using the training that is set at the moment it is rerun, so please don't change your training type unless you wanted to do something different.

Last edited by RFlagzzz at 11/28/2008 11:52:30 AM

This Post:
61720.9 in reply to 61720.8
Date: 11/28/2008 11:53:10 AM
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Ainda bem que mostraste esse post que eu já tinha mudado o treino :)

This Post:
61720.10 in reply to 61720.9
Date: 11/28/2008 12:45:44 PM
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Por acaso lembrei-me que podia acontecer...
Ainda bem que foi util! :D

From: Ioliano
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61720.11 in reply to 61720.4
Date: 11/28/2008 1:34:41 PM
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fiz pressão e 0 subidas xD

This Post:
61720.12 in reply to 61720.11
Date: 11/28/2008 1:40:17 PM
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Normal, porque o treino só vai ocorrer daqui a minutos ou horas por causa do erro :)

From: Joniboy
This Post:
61720.13 in reply to 61720.12
Date: 11/28/2008 1:47:39 PM
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A forma voltou a........... respeitável!

This Post:
61720.14 in reply to 61720.13
Date: 11/28/2008 1:49:12 PM
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Se lesses os últimos posts percebias logo porque é que isso aconteceu :)
