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Suggestions > Transfer Colours (Colors)

Transfer Colours (Colors)

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69346.5 in reply to 69346.4
Date: 1/20/2009 1:52:01 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Now try pressing the button and saying i thought the price was fair!!

Transfer compare is anything but a conclusive estimate of player value.

Then why do we have it? If it is more misleading than true lets scrap it. I know its not perfect but it is as it suggests an estimate.

I'm suggesting to tell people very clearly that player X is currently bid OVER, UNDER or AT his estimate (however accurate that maybe)

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69346.6 in reply to 69346.1
Date: 1/20/2009 5:47:11 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
i don't like this idea, because the tpe isn't that good, that such think make sense.

From: ardain
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69346.8 in reply to 69346.7
Date: 1/20/2009 9:34:58 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
I like the concept. I occasionally just hit the Transfer List and see if there are undervalued players hitting their deadlines soon.

I thought the suggestion was to add team jersey colors and designs - I think that would be pretty fun as well.