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Australia - III.13 > season 16

season 16

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181721.40 in reply to 181721.37
Date: 6/22/2011 10:23:00 AM
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First of all iv been a bit busy since coming to this league and haven't had time to get involved much on the forums. well here we go....

No way other leagues are this bad.

This is easy compared to my last Div 3 league , The top 3 teams in this league have between 160k - 170k team salaries, in my last Div 3 there was about 5 teams with 200k+ team salaries, and i had about 250k team to win and another team had about 270k ish witch i still beat. So you can see how hard it will be in Div 2 with a 160k team. There is a team there this season with a 320k team, i don't know how he can afford that.

When i was in Div 2 last season i had a 7-0 start and could of easily stayed in Div 2 But as peaceNroll said had low development potential. I was never going to come close to winning Div 2, So i started to rebuild and that's why im here.

As you can see i have 3 trainees 2 X 19yo MVP's and a 22 SF i am training at PG and is flogging you all in League Leaders - Average Points Per Game.

You need to plan more long term and less short term, everyone can get promoted to Div 2 But the difference is getting there and getting relegated straight away or getting there and staying there and having a team to continue on developing into a Div 1 team. There is no point spending 5 seasons or so slowly upgrading bit by bit. in the long run it is a waste of 5 seasons. Trust me been there done that.

Also Don't assume like someone said, Team A and B will be hard to beat because they have at least 1.5 mil in the bank. there are always more teams with a lot more money than you think!!!! And i can guarantee that.

here a few tips....

Don't waste time training anything less than allstar.

Invest in the arena earlier on while you have money and not later on when you have a big salary and no money.

Have at least a minimum 4 seasons plan, you cant train good players with anything less unless you spend a lot to buy them in the first place.

Using a teams salary to work out how good they are is a mistake, a better trained team will always have a lower salary than a team that is not well trained.

Hope this help someone.

This Post:
181721.41 in reply to 181721.40
Date: 6/28/2011 4:22:31 AM
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Yes it is.

This Post:
181721.42 in reply to 181721.40
Date: 6/28/2011 5:49:14 AM
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Too bad you weren't active earlier this season whitemaggot! Anyway I mostly agree with you, especially on the level of this league. Compare to III.6 and you'll understand why our league is quite a soft one.

Anyway, I'm glad I've won my game today against BBW. It was a thriller to watch, though I was upset about the first half. I really don't understand how my SG and PF (who both have sensational shooting respectively outside and inside) were (not) scoring 0-7 and 0-9. Not to mention that my PF, who's one of the top rebounder of this league, only had 4 rebounds at the tea time.

Though we managed to come back owing to an outstanding job from my C. In the playoffs I'll consider playing a 3-2 zone: a proficient ID isn't necessary against their average inside offense.

So ladies and gentlemen I'll be the new league captain for the regular season :D

PS: HBH I am willing to avoid you in the playoffs first round so please pull a win against geoffrey, this is totally doable!

From: Hawkman

This Post:
181721.43 in reply to 181721.42
Date: 6/28/2011 7:25:27 PM
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I have got Princeton (win) BBW (loss) then GtG (tight).
GTG has BBW (tight) Princeton (win) and then HBH (tight).

Interesting last 3 games.

From: ezlife

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181721.44 in reply to 181721.2
Date: 7/8/2011 2:20:13 PM
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Go HBH, time to shine! The giraffe isnt in shape, play this seriously!

From: Hawkman

This Post:
181721.45 in reply to 181721.44
Date: 7/9/2011 11:30:08 PM
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Looks like a happy result for both of us. GTG was fading fast!!!!

Now we have to avoid getting turkey slapped by the big black wang. :( :( :(

From: ezlife

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181721.46 in reply to 181721.45
Date: 7/10/2011 5:23:11 AM
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Good thing you won indeed: now I will go normal against GTG while BBW will probably have to play CT.

I hope you'll play your best line up and throw everything into the fight. Punish him if he goes normal!!!!

From: ezlife
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181721.47 in reply to 181721.1
Date: 7/12/2011 1:34:12 PM
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Good effort HBH, too bad you couldn't make it. Though I heard BBW is gonna have game shame issues with his key player, which is really good for me!

Let's open the bets on the 2 SF this saturday.

D-stars - Cleveland: I think D-stars is gonna take it, up by 20.

PNR - BBW: I'll take the game, up by 5. (i hope my C won't foul out too fast)

From: ezlife
This Post:
181721.48 in reply to 181721.1
Date: 7/13/2011 10:05:15 AM
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Just showing a comparison between our league and III.6, in order to make all of us realize that we have a very easy league.

These are the top 10 team wages for III.6

# Team Players Salary Tot Average Std Dev.
01. Home Axis (196319) 10 $ 315 005 $ 31 501 $ 37 848
02. Possum Chasers (196195) 11 $ 275 071 $ 25 006 $ 17 606
03. Svetties (38803) 11 $ 223 505 $ 20 319 $ 24 580
04. Mmmm Donuts (38725) 13 $ 212 750 $ 16 365 $ 16 984
05. Richmond Tigers (38759) 11 $ 191 337 $ 17 394 $ 13 661
06. DragonZ (196203) 9 $ 155 802 $ 17 311 $ 19 717
07. TeamAkuma (38644) 12 $ 152 520 $ 12 710 $ 16 121
08. Renegade Enterprises (38686) 11 $ 147 869 $ 13 443 $ 11 146
09. Essendon Heat (38706) 14 $ 133 966 $ 9 569 $ 8 576
10. blueJz (38899) 10 $ 132 383 $ 13 238 $ 7 976

And for our league:

# Team Players Salary Tot Average Std Dev.
01. peaceNroll (196596) 11 $ 178 027 $ 16 184 $ 16 365
02. Big Black Wang (196096) 9 $ 165 978 $ 18 442 $ 24 283
03. Geoffrey the giraffe (38791) 11 $ 160 622 $ 14 602 $ 15 672
04. Venet (196440) 11 $ 135 499 $ 12 318 $ 14 347
05. D-Stars (196206) 12 $ 132 325 $ 11 027 $ 14 068
06. Henley Beach Hawks (196120) 13 $ 128 642 $ 9 896 $ 5 453
07. FPRWoodstock (38872) 12 $ 126 124 $ 10 510 $ 14 696
08. Cleveland Steamer%s (38842) 9 $ 120 416 $ 13 380 $ 13 905
09. New York Jumpers (38747) 15 $ 98 160 $ 6 544 $ 3 796
10. Fox Illusions (38685) 23 $ 79 171 $ 3 442 $ 1 228

From: Sundae09

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181721.49 in reply to 181721.48
Date: 7/14/2011 12:55:38 AM
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wow! how can they afford that?

This Post:
181721.50 in reply to 181721.47
Date: 7/15/2011 3:52:26 AM
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Fair Call. D-Stars gave me a pizzling the 2nd time this year.
