It's not possible to have utopia going on a different schedule than the rest of the game (edit: I see the proposal of the second server, but then it would mean that Utopia is isolated: not more transfers between Utopia and non-Utopia teams).
In that thread he admitted it's possible to do changes to the schedule, just not dramatic ones. So if you want to change the league format (number of teams and tiers), that won't happen, but Joe's proposal changes very little, but shave almost 1/3 off the season length. I will add that not only is it possible to implement this, but it's also very easily reversible. My concern is for training since it will become overwhelmingly hard to do out of position training and train youngsters if you compete at a decent level. However make training faster by 1.4x and cut gates appropriately (divide by up to 1.4x) to maintain the same level of revenues over the 10 week period (to prevent inflation) and if people don't like it, it's too hard to manage because of 3 league games or whatever, you can always roll it back after one or 2 seasons. This thing would not have any long lasting effects: once the season is over the experiment is also over. It's not like utopia or GE or salary changes: once those are done they can't be removed and have long lasting effects because affect how managers plan for the long term (if you make a change to improve outside shooting and people train the relevant skills accordingly, there would be heavy consequences for reversing the change altogether the following season)
Last edited by Lemonshine at 8/17/2020 7:22:45 PM