Balanced skills pop faster, it is a sure thing.
When skills get lopsided, the training of said skills begins to slow significantly. You are doing fine but may be missing out on some pops.
My bigger question is what is the advantage of the way you are doing it? To me it seems like there are far more disadvantages. For example, your players salary will rise higher than he is worth, just based on his mono skill. He also is not performing as well as he could be. Instead of those 8 or so pops all in OD imagine you took 5 of them and spread them between passing, JS, driving or whatever. The player with balanced skills is far more efficient than a OD monster.
BTW thanks for the one ball. Especially on a post that is very accurate and only trying to help.
Last edited by Mod-beanerz at 6/4/2010 11:58:27 AM