I would like to invite teams from Div.II, to join my new INTERNATIONAL CUP S13.
We need 8 more teams to start, please join as soon as possible.
This Private League will have 12 teams from the biggest countries in BB, with 4 teams advancing to the playoffs, and i would like to start it in the beggining of season 13.
The first ones to answer (send me a BB-mail) will get the invitation to join.
España - Timakiños (76568)
Italia - Florence Celtics (36326)
Polska -
France -
Portugal - Izi Basics (93982)
Hellas -
Lietuva -
Argentina -
China -
Deutschland -
Brasil -
Schweiz -
Canadá -
Latvija -
Australia - Baxter Bogans (38751)
Bosna Herc. -
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by Araujo67 at 6/26/2010 8:42:37 PM