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Suggestions > Remove possibility to play TIE

Remove possibility to play TIE

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From: aigidios

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125223.41 in reply to 125223.37
Date: 12/28/2009 11:46:35 AM
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Look, the basic question should be - which kind of strategy should be more profitable? Now it is the strategy which allows you boost your performance even more just because you (hypotetically) have stronger team than 80 percent of the league. The point that you can cumulate your team spirit for a long time and use it whenever you want without any worries about any kind of impact to your team means, that the way it is now is pretty boring.

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125223.42 in reply to 125223.41
Date: 12/28/2009 11:50:54 AM
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Look, the basic question should be - which kind of strategy should be more profitable? Now it is the strategy which allows you boost your performance even more just because you (hypotetically) have stronger team than 80 percent of the league. The point that you can cumulate your team spirit for a long time and use it whenever you want without any worries about any kind of impact to your team means, that the way it is now is pretty boring.

if you remove the possibilitie for other teams, to beat them because they play with same effort will give him a bigger advantage.

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125223.44 in reply to 125223.42
Date: 12/28/2009 12:01:08 PM
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I dont think that it would be like that. You can still cumulate your "power", but you have to more think about when and how. Thats why should be that thing "measured" on long-term. I can imagine that if you play CT then, you can start to cumulate again. This all is just about that you would think about yours team attitude more like about a "living been" which will turn into disadvantage if you just do the same thing.

Last edited by aigidios at 12/28/2009 12:03:35 PM

This Post:
125223.45 in reply to 125223.44
Date: 12/28/2009 12:06:40 PM
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with the current effort system you could compensate quality with effort, and if that team is that superior that he wins every game with TIE vs a normal, he won't loose with normal vs normal, and if you have a team which could beat him he should be able to play tie too - but if he don't risk wins against those teams like the superior team you are afraid of , he get a disadvantage aginst the superior team who play tie in direct confrontation.

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125223.46 in reply to 125223.35
Date: 12/28/2009 12:17:41 PM
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you mean like Roger Federer?
or Schumacher some time ago?
sometimes you just don't need to put too much effort in a game and play relaxed... tie isn't lack of effort, it's just a more relaxed approach to the game, avoiding injuries, avoiding running three feet behind a guy who's gonna dunk a fastbreak and losing stamina and so on...

This is a good point, however the enthusiasm mechanism is not really implemented in accordance to rhis, or at least the effects of the effort (TIE/normal/CT) are not related to your list. Currently teams that TIE gain enthusiasm independently of the outcome of the game. In reality no team would gain enthusiasm if they lost a game just because their coach told them before the game that "they should not really care too much". Instead if you lost a game with a few points after putting less effort than you could have, then you ar probably more likely to loose more enthusiasm (as you know you could have done a lot better then you did).

In fact, the reason that coaches in real life chooses to put less effort in some games has nothig to do with enthusiasm, but with other effects, mainly like injuries and game shape as you already mentioned.

The "game shape effect" is already partly availble in the game by other mechanisms (time management and selection of coach type). The same could be said about the "injury effect" (coach type and doctor). However, their is a possibility of adding a dimension to this; if TIE/normal/CT affected injuries and game shape rather than enthusiasm the mechanism would be more logical and tactical appealing in my opinion.

For instance if you tell your players to TIE a game, playing too many minutes would not affect game shape as bad, and the players would be less affected by injuries (and perhaps training would not be as efficient due to the lacj of effort), while if you play CT your players would probably loose more game shape and be more subject to injuries.

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125223.47 in reply to 125223.46
Date: 12/28/2009 12:25:57 PM
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there is some wisdom to what you said.
I talked about injuries and stamina and stuff just as an imaginary thing that I like to think is the effect of TIE

I think the biggest problem here is the word : enthusiasm
if we could substitute that one with, idk, energy, freshness, or something, it would work better

@everyone :
you all seem to forget that ent raises and drops slowly each day gravitating towards 5, that's already a compensating mechanism

This Post:
125223.48 in reply to 125223.45
Date: 12/28/2009 12:27:15 PM
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The diversity of posibilities is, only by that which kind of effort you choose, pretty wide. For example you can TIE matches in which you are sure that you have no chance, which is in fact the most unrealistic factor in this game. If you speak about the motivation - is hard to say what to do with that, but I think that this "TIE cap" I suggest have to do anything about it. Or maybe I dont understand you.

Last edited by aigidios at 12/28/2009 12:27:47 PM

This Post:
125223.49 in reply to 125223.48
Date: 12/28/2009 12:32:59 PM
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The diversity of posibilities is, only by that which kind of effort you choose, pretty wide. For example you can TIE matches in which you are sure that you have no chance, which is in fact the most unrealistic factor in this game. If you speak about the motivation - is hard to say what to do with that, but I think that this "TIE cap" I suggest have to do anything about it. Or maybe I dont understand you.

i don't see how the tie cap should change anything, and i don't understand why the possibility of TIE'ing games just help the good teams - i see chanches for the weak team to ebat the good ones instead through it. The good team would be in advantage without options in this direction.

This Post:
125223.50 in reply to 125223.47
Date: 12/28/2009 12:34:05 PM
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I think the biggest problem here is the word : enthusiasm
if we could substitute that one with, idk, energy, freshness, or something, it would work better

Partially correct I would say, but I also think that it is quite a clumpsy system as it is implemented today and does not have the same finess as the rest of BBs "tactical machinery". Furthermore the effect is too big in comparison to other mechanisms in the game. It tastes more Hattrick then BuzzerBeater so to speak.

This Post:
125223.51 in reply to 125223.46
Date: 12/28/2009 12:40:40 PM
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I agree with the game shape. If it would be like that, the thing would change completely and would solve many problems. Perhaps it is like that now because of Hattrick, I wake up screaming at the middle of the night sometimes when I remember Hattrick that day. Today will be my night so long, thank you.
