Thank you for this intelligent answer.
Some good points and some points I disagree with.
Cash now has more value and is harder to generate. 10 seasons back, nobody was worrying about losing purchasing power but more about gaining more as fast or faster as the others, draftees or trained players were selling for more every new season. So after selling you could buy.
You say a tanking team couldn't have bought 2 solid players. It's wrong because a top team's roster was worth 10M+.They would have sold for good cash because there was not enough trained or half-trained players. So it could buy you back a team without even tanking.
Players were assets. In the case you wanted to rebuild, saving on salaries was not the best strategy, it was better to invest on players, the margin benefit on them was higher. You didn't even have to train them.
I like to pick random examples to illustrate my points.
So let's look at Austalia's ABBL, season 10 : league's winner is :
(38624)The finals last game was played on Dec 12th, 2009.
So to remind us what was going on at the time, let's look at a sold player around this date. The closest is this player.
(2452316) .C, 26 yo, sold $ 1 299 000. He was probably more skilled than he is now. what was his avg rating ? S10 : 10.5... Ok player, I guess. what if it was a fluke ? Sold for $ 1 863 000 a few weeks later.
So when somewhat ordinary players sell for this amount and covers you several weeks of salaries, there is really no need to save on them. Salaries are not a problem.
Let's dig it. what was this money for ? with this sell for $ 1 591 900 (I let you look at the player:
(669524)), cash was raised to buy this player for $ 3 378 700
This was just before the market crash that occured in the beginning of 2010.
All good. So what was the problem ? It looks like heavens.
Older teams had their assets growing and growing. what about new teams ? :) The starter's kit : crap roster, 300k... The gap was becoming unsurpassable.
I'd have a lot more to say about this but I'll leave it there.