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The "Got a Question" Thread

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237850.41 in reply to 237850.40
Date: 03/24/2013 17:51:09
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Since you have no inside threats (even on your guards) inside tactics may not be the best. Perhaps try motion? I remember using that and it focused more on my PGs and SGs. It will also make use of your PGs high JS and PA as well as your other players' JS

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237850.42 in reply to 237850.40
Date: 03/24/2013 18:24:08
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My understanding of Push the Ball is that it is a fast paced version of base offense, where for the first several seconds of the shot clock your team tends to look for an early scoring opportunity (especially off of defensive rebounds and transition opportunities), if your team gets stumped in that initial attack, the offense reverts to a slow paced offense where it becomes more like Patient and your best outside player becomes the focus. It also seems that during the initial seconds of attack, there's alot of inside shots created, where nearing the 2nd half of the shotclock, it becomes more outside based. My theory anyways, I run it alot but seems to hinge on having a decent inside/outside SF as well.

Last edited by RA Blaze at 03/24/2013 18:24:30

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237850.43 in reply to 237850.42
Date: 03/25/2013 14:50:30
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Yea, I don't have an inside/outside SF yet, I'm training one right now though. So I should run motion then?

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237850.44 in reply to 237850.43
Date: 03/25/2013 17:55:48
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Motion would be a good idea, alternatively you might find a good fit with Princeton, or maybe Outside Isolation.

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237850.45 in reply to 237850.44
Date: 03/26/2013 14:17:20
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Alright thanks :P

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237850.46 in reply to 237850.1
Date: 09/05/2013 20:39:47
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Newbie training question...

...A player can play in any position on the floor regardless of what he is classified at. Now, if we train a skill at a specific position (let's say C), does it only train the players classified at C, or will it train PF classified players as well as long as they logged minutes at the C position during the week?

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237850.47 in reply to 237850.46
Date: 09/05/2013 21:25:17
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It only trains the players that have played the Center position that particular week. It doesn't matter what position they're listed as.

On top of that, you want to make sure that the player(s) you're focused on training play at least 48 minutes at that position during the week.

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237850.48 in reply to 237850.47
Date: 09/05/2013 22:21:35
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Awesome. I've been doing that so far, but I'd also like to train players out of position after my original targets are done. Right now I'm Training my frontcourt in inside defence, but they are almost all done. Next time on scrimmage day I could move some sg's up to start to get time in too then.

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237850.49 in reply to 237850.48
Date: 09/11/2013 00:59:04
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When do elections start?

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237850.50 in reply to 237850.49
Date: 09/11/2013 02:19:17
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September 16th!

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237850.51 in reply to 237850.50
Date: 09/11/2013 09:57:13
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How'd this napoleon guy do so good last season?

Last edited by johnny64 at 09/11/2013 09:57:26
