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S33. The dumb.

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From: malice

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275129.41 in reply to 275129.38
Date: 2/16/2016 12:07:44 AM
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Congrats on the MVP too, I guess. A lil' more hesitant on that because... HOW THE F""K did Serafin WIN it? Nice numbers, but not sure that they're MVP-type numbers. Hell, not even sure he's the MVP for your team (that'd be Brasil...).

Not really sure how they come up with this. I think Serafin is my best player but from a stats perspective I agree Brasil probably had better stats. I did some digging through the data and still couldn't make sense of it.

Honestly, my pick for it would have been Sobuza (top average rating), or K-Mat (best efficiency).

but damn: BB really needs to do something about how lopsided conferences can get.

I 100% agree with you here. mixing the sides up each season would certainly make things more interesting and help avoid things from being consistently lopsided. It can definitely create an advantage for a team in a soft conference.

But........ I don't think it would have made a difference this season. No one is fielding a competitive enough team to beat me right now, especially the team I finished the season with. I was going to win it anyway.

I stopped doing so because the advantages your side of the league has are so pronounced that for me to field a "competitive enough team" would cost a fortune... and I don't have that at the moment. Actually tried initially to be SO BAD to drop down, but given we have guys who are basically bots, it's nigh on impossible to drop out of the JBBL, and keep the players I have.
It's a quandary, and unless BB fixes it, it'll REMAIN a quandary. - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan