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69650.41 in reply to 69650.1
Date: 4/29/2009 3:06:08 AM
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Today the new Warriors logo was revealed. ‘We are very satisfied with the logo, which is the work by Calum (23507) - one of the most talented designers of our time’ says Warriors owner Blacksword.

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69650.42 in reply to 69650.41
Date: 4/30/2009 2:39:49 AM
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Alle gode gange 4?
Fra managerens eksil i Thailand skal aftenens pokalfinal foelges spaendt. Den staar paa fodmassage, laekker mad og et par kolde fadbamser op til kampen. Vi kan hoeste et historisk trofae til klubhuset ved at vinde i aften. Det vil blive nummer 4 i raekken af pokaltitler og vi har oeje paa mere i form af mesterskabet. Men foerst skal vores modstander TRS have en varm velkomst til det store bal. Mon ikke de er lidt nervoese da det er 1. gang de danser med? Vi faar se, og venter spaendt.

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69650.43 in reply to 69650.42
Date: 4/30/2009 10:58:06 AM
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Team RS'es holdejer melder endelig ud omkring den meget overraskende pokal finale plads.
"Nu mangler vi bare at feje Danish Lakers til side og løfte pokal, champagnen er lagt på køl og DL vil uden tvivl blive spillet tynd på kryds og tværs" udtalte han med et stort smil og tilføjede "Jeg kan desvære ikke selv være tilstede på spille-tidspunktet, har ellers prøvet at få kampen flytte til senere i aften uden held, men så spændende bliver det nok helller ikke"
God Kamp :-)

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69650.44 in reply to 69650.43
Date: 4/30/2009 3:19:44 PM
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Argggg, den pokalfinal tabte vi vist med æren i behold, som totale underdogs!
Det har været en økomomisk god turnering for holdet og langt over forventet, så ingen dårlige undskyldninger eller uden-om-snak!
Tillykke til DL og MOD-Worthy42 herfra med den 4. pokal, nu vil jeg fremover nøjes med at være stolt over min i sølv :-)

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69650.46 in reply to 69650.45
Date: 5/9/2009 8:27:13 AM
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As the national cup tournament was wrapped up with another win, we now look to the playoffs and the task ahead, winning the 3rd champinship in a row. We allready have the most trophys and we have the most cup ch.ships in country history. Only thing we don't have is more national championships than Aalborg Warriors. They have 3 and we have 2, if we get this one, we are tied. That would make it 3 doubles in a row and would seal our dominans forever in the historybooks.

We had a good run also in BBB and we hope to make an even better run in that tournament next season.

We are not taking anything for grantet, we need to beef up our roster with 2 quality players before the playoffs start to really make a championship run. It remains to be seen if we will get what we are looking for. 1 thing is for sure, it'll be fun to get the playoffs going.

Last edited by Mod-worthy42 at 5/10/2009 12:07:18 PM

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69650.47 in reply to 69650.46
Date: 5/24/2009 9:42:13 AM
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Finals baby. Hunting season resumes.
It's about that time again, Bearhunting time!

After a thrilling semifinal against our rivals Aalborg Warriors, we once again find ourselves in the final versus our freind/foe S. Seldrup and his gang of thugs, the bears from Bakken.

We are going for the kill and the bears better go into early hybernation if they wanna keep their skin!

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69650.48 in reply to 69650.47
Date: 5/26/2009 5:11:46 PM
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helle for den lille røde pokal snitterne væk

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69650.49 in reply to 69650.48
Date: 5/30/2009 4:26:36 PM
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3peat x2!


The DL are on the way home from Bakken where they clinched their 6th title in 3 seasons. We are the first in BB to make it 3 championships and 3 cup titles in 3 seasons! It was a convincing win in the 2 finals game against our good freind/foe S.Seldrup, the manager of Bakken Bears.

"What an amazing bunch of guys we have here... they play incredibly when facing tough games. We continue to win, win and win. It's a great jurney and we are all so proud of our achviements as a team. We credit it all to coach Worthy42" said Bastian Pind who has been with the team since the first game in team history. He now has 4 cup gold medals and 3 danish championship golds in his personal trophycase.

Lakers now travel home and face a long night of celebration with our home fans!

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69650.50 in reply to 69650.49
Date: 5/31/2009 3:33:41 PM
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Efter en arbejds sejr over Mallum i finalen, har vi nu sikret os mindst 1 sæson i DBL. Ikke mindst pga Alex Trads, som spillede en fantastisk kamp med 47 point og 10 Rebounds.
Hvilken sæson, oprykning til den bedste række og en pokalfinale kamp. Jeg vil meget gerne takke alle holdene i II.1 for en Super sæson, håber ikke at i er alt for glad for at slippe af med mig ;-)

Er meget ydmyg over denne bedrift!

From: JayC
This Post:
69650.51 in reply to 69650.11
Date: 6/12/2009 10:34:43 AM
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Tranfers og målsætninger

Stjerne spillere Louis Blackburn fra Canada og Jaime Ozores fra Spanien er kommet til klubben, desværre har vi måtte sige farvel til franchise spiller Henrik Ebeling og talentet Gunner Agerbæk, som begge havde stor andel i at vi kom til conference finals sidste sæson.

P.t har vi første pladsen, og imorgen finder vi ud af hvad den nye trup kan når vi tager imod anden pladsen Vangede gangsters.
En ting er dog sikkert, i år skal vi i finalen koste det hva det vil og måske enda gå hele vejen!
Vi er allerede ude af pokalen, da vi i første runde røg ud til DBL klubben Fjaltring, Pokalen blev dog ikke prioreteret så højt og derfor er et ikke helt så slemt

Og så skal der lige være plads til et stort til lykke til Paw Weisbjerg for at blive udtaget til U21 landsholdet!!!!! Gør nationen stolt Paw (;

Last edited by JayC at 6/12/2009 11:21:00 AM
