I agree with you, the best way to train rookies its to train them in combos trainings or so like JS-JR-1vs-passing etc switching week after week. Only i would waste 4-6 weeks to train OD in a row, but not all the season.
Someone here also said you this before, if your league is not really competitive(i dont know exactly the level of your league) its not really necessary to train a player to 12 in OD, when he have other skills to train like JS,JR and a bit of passing too. At this moment you are losing more than winning with this trainining. If you wanna my advice, leave the OD training and start with JR 1 position, trainings on JS and(i would advice to do it in SF-PF so you increase his IS) also 1vs1.
@Superfly Guy
I dont really think this rookie is the best to make what you pointed. Triying to make a defensive beast so early when his ID=2(i suppose he poped in ID from the OD training) its not the best idea, everytime he face a PG with a nice IS and driving he will be in troubles. As i said, this rookie with his inside skills would not make a high value on the TL even if he is young.