Crazy to see how much new blood we have at the top of the standings so far this season. If you look at the teams that would be in the Final 4 if current seeds hold (I'll even say Top 5 since ZYX and Irvine are basically tied in the Big 8) there is 1 combined trophy (A cup silver from TarTeam) and 0 NBBA playoff games won.
Not only does it look like 3-4 of those teams will get playoff wins this season, I think a couple of them will be forces for the forseeable future.
As a fan of BuzzerBeater in general, it's exciting to see and I'm happy for them.
As the owner of the team who's currently defending both trophies, I'm gonna need you whippersnappers to:
1. Get off my lawn
2. Turn down your music
3. Put away your flippy phones
etc etc etc
Also punt to me, kthnx :)