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Suggestions > Anyone is enjoying the arena expansion part of the game at all?

Anyone is enjoying the arena expansion part of the game at all?

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316263.43 in reply to 316263.42
Date: 11/2/2022 5:34:19 AM
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As I had already expressed in a previous post, in my opinion we should first of all understand if these actions, already undertaken in the past, have brought benefits for the purpose we want to pursue .. otherwise we will continue to give things to new subscribers who will not remain the same..
Has an assessment been made of whether the previous arena increase has benefited? Has an assessment been made of whether the inclusion of the players with the stars has brought the desired benefit? Will an assessment be made as to whether "Leagues Consolidation" will bring benefits?
And I hope that these evaluations, if they have been made or will be done, are not a mere asking the new subscribers "did you like the ready-made soup and the competitive advantage?"

When I said that the game does not reward loyalty I don't mean "it is not the game that does not reward loyalty", but "whoever manages the game does not reward loyalty" ..

The ability of a manager to reach Serie A is not only a matter of time, but also of application and ability ... and these are not formed only with time or with gifts ... but are formed with interest, participation and constancy ..
Some time ago an American user had made a post in which he talked about what one had to do to be competitive in this game .. and what came out was a very substantial commitment in various aspects of the game, including temporal ones .. And there do we expect that those who arrive now in a short time can become competitive just because we give them two things? When have forums and communities been snubbed for a long time and never helped to grow in sharing, participation and belonging to this game?
We discover today that the game is "made" by users and if there are no users, the game does not exist?

Anche tu a caccia di "Riconoscimenti"?! Vieni in federazione: Achievements hunters (fedid=19269) (solo per supporter, se non lo sei e hai dubbi chiedi pure, spero di poter esserti di aiuto)
This Post:
316263.51 in reply to 316263.47
Date: 11/19/2022 2:03:17 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
In the few mounths the users is increase about 500,
In the past 2 of my friends were iscrived and they left after few weeks.
For both the reason was the same: low instructions in the manual and no data tables for each level of staff for example, the difference of %training beetween different potential new user need define rules and statistics for each part of the game IMO
