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BB USA > National Team Debate Thread

National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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From: wozzvt

This Post:
224157.43 in reply to 224157.42
Date: 8/23/2012 8:29:20 AM
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There's two problems jfriske (and I say this as a fairly ardent supporter of the 2-3):

(1) I think the BB's are wrong re: 2-3. Or rather, their explanations were incomplete. Yes, it's true that with good SB, you can build a team that does a good job when they contend inside shots. The problem is that it also reduces the number of inside shots you're able to defend. (Imagine that out of 100 inside shots, 50 are "open", and 50 you defend. With the 2-3, your success in the ones you defend does go up, but instead of there being 50 of them, there might only be 40, with now 60 "open" shots). So you do better on contested inside shots, while simultaneously increasing the proportion of open shots, with the net effect somewhat of a wash. Since you are unequivocally worse vs jump shots/3's, the overall effect is a strong negative. Unfortunately, I think the solution is pretty simple (inside offenses should incur a penalty to flow-- this would both solve the problem, by countering the change in % of open shots, and makes sense, since the more your bigs handle the ball, the worse your flow should be). This is unfortunate, because I don't think we're likely to see any changes here (or even have the discussion).

(2) Even if we assume that a 2-3 can work, we don't have the personnel for it. We did a lot of testing of variations of it in scrimmages this season, and in all the metrics we checked (not just final score), it was miserable. Maybe that means it can't work, or maybe it means we don't have the players for it. But in either case, it doesn't seem to work for us. And with so few people on BB believing it could work, there's very little movement towards training the "right" sort of players.

This Post:
224157.46 in reply to 224157.45
Date: 8/23/2012 2:25:09 PM
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On my iPhone, but sorry for not researching the age of your team from 5 years ago. We both know the crash in buzzerbeater prices made teams reform in different ways. Me failing to cash in was my greatest regret.. My points stand

0 golds or silvers for the senior team
The same underachieving cabal of managers

Expect the same if u vote coco. Or wozz

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a nice prospect to train suboptimally.


This Post:
224157.47 in reply to 224157.46
Date: 8/23/2012 4:02:10 PM
This Post:
224157.48 in reply to 224157.46
Date: 8/23/2012 4:29:30 PM
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The same underachieving cabal of managers

I had always heard of it as the secret cabal of managers, though I must admit that was from Hattrick. Are the cabal more explicit here?

This Post:
224157.49 in reply to 224157.48
Date: 8/23/2012 7:54:54 PM
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The same underachieving cabal of managers

I had always heard of it as the secret cabal of managers, though I must admit that was from Hattrick. Are the cabal more explicit here?

shhh. i know you're not a townie. you can claim to be innocent but we damn well know the truth!

This Post:
224157.50 in reply to 224157.49
Date: 8/23/2012 8:00:06 PM
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The same underachieving cabal of managers

I had always heard of it as the secret cabal of managers, though I must admit that was from Hattrick. Are the cabal more explicit here?

shhh. i know you're not a townie. you can claim to be innocent but we damn well know the truth!

So he's either mafia, cop, or doc, amirite?

....I bet no one gets this. :(

Last edited by adchester at 8/23/2012 8:21:14 PM

This Post:
224157.51 in reply to 224157.50
Date: 8/23/2012 8:58:10 PM
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I do!! Love that game.

Townspeople awake.

This Post:
224157.52 in reply to 224157.50
Date: 8/23/2012 9:34:36 PM
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....I bet no one gets this. :(

recently played this game and thoroughly enjoyed it :)

I dont want to make a post that is too much offtopic so excuse me while I think of a question...

I guess something that was being minorly discussed in an NBBA thread.

What potential do you think is necessary to make a NT SF? Is superstar sufficient? Or does that limit the build too much?

Keep in mind I have only been skimming through these essays of questions so if something like this has been asked and answered I apologize.

From: lathrop
This Post:
224157.53 in reply to 224157.52
Date: 8/23/2012 10:09:26 PM
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i just registered for the election.

The main reason I did it was so that if I win, I will be the team manager.
As team manager, I will pay attention to the team.
With more attention being paid to the team, I will know when NT players are for sale. This will make it easier for me to buy a NT player for my club team.
I want to own a USA NT player.
I think that by owning an NT player, I can get back to the NBBA.
If I can get back to the NBBA, that means that I will have beaten the crap out of the arrogant over achieving managers that make up II.4, like GM-Jason.

I am also not allowed to talk about the cabal, first rule you know.

Thank you for the consideration and helping me beat on mangers that think they are better than you.
