… even LA would give comments that really makes me say oh boy what good is this comment to the game …
apologies if i offended you, im saying generally not specifically in this thread alone
1. is the player on a higher or same league as mine? ( my idea is a if im division 3 i need to look at division 2 or higher ) , the competition is harder on the basis of better players overall due to salary
2. look at their stats reflecting on the skill sets level they have . apply this if im looking for a player with certain skill sets would i need higher or same skill level , generally i would look at fg%, #'s of 3 points made, how often he fouls , scoring average , everything else would be on what position you need.
3. check if the player is a starter or a role player , if its a starter you will get a better feel of his performance if he plays on your team
4. always always be on the negative side since we dont know a lot, truly we dont how he would perform with his new teammates coming to your team since he got better teammates over there (coming from a higher division ) but since your in a lower division that player might play the same or better
5. whatever stat or performance you have base on getting that player is just an estimate , if he perform bad on your team still you have an idea he can play better. one aspect of the game that i didnt consider is the effect of experience and is there such a thing called chemistry that applies in the game , just this season i form my starters mostly of young guys and they suck, since they just started playing together i dont know how long they can build chemistry if there is one ... again no mention
I have. Read a few NT threads and alot say the player some games to play with the current NT to gain chemistry or experience. Some 20-30 games together. They played better or gain NT experience.My question is, why do say this if there no truth insuch thing.? There has to be some truth to such matter if they're giving a said number of games.?
Thank you., What is the" something similar".? Only thing similar is experience.?