Fajny tekst dziś na forum czytałem na temat decyzji trenera o faulowaniu w ostatnich minutach/sekundach meczu:
"]I posted about this same in-game occurence two years ago (calendar years !). I was told by a GM that the coach AI was fine. Ok then.
I resolved it like this. The coach is stupid. It's a game feature, he is stupid by design. It's not that the coach AI coding could do with a major revamp, no no no no, he is making mistakes to mimick real life and often takes inconsistant decisions like a real coach could.
He has no face and no name though on crucial moments he has more power than me on the destiny of MY team. He does this as a hobby as I don't pay him any salary. His joy in life is to annoy and disempower me. I can't fire him and yelling or cursing him doesn't make any difference. I can't stop him from entering my arena which is in a way my BB's house, he does what he wants and never listens to me though I definitely know better. He owns me. Actually I believe my coach is a woman".