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Training Speed Analysis 2

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78242.437 in reply to 78242.436
Date: 4/30/2011 9:16:09 AM
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When the GS reset, it's at 6.5? Shouldn't all the GS be at average then? I thought it starts on the lowest sublevel of respectable, so reset at 7.0.

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78242.438 in reply to 78242.437
Date: 4/30/2011 9:40:26 AM
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I think the lowest level of respectable is 6.5. But maybe it's just a matter of interpretation, although I have a feeling it does matters whether Respectable is [6.5;7.5[ or [7.0;8.0[. If the former is true, that means the lowest possible value for a skill is 0.5. Or 1.0 in the latter case.
If the GE, training system, or the elastic effect work based on proportionality (ratio between skills determine the elastic effect, or simply how much a player will dominate his counterpart) then it does matter, because 8.5 ÷ 4.5 ≠ 8 ÷ 4.
If it's only a matter of absolute difference between skills then it doesn't matter. You could even imagine respectable is ]6.0;7.0], in which case the lowest possible value for a skill would be zero.

edit: the lowest value is most likely not zero, unless one can find a player with salary under $ 300.

Last edited by Thelonious at 4/30/2011 9:45:15 AM

"Air is beautiful, yet you cannot see it. It's soft, yet you cannot touch it. Air is a little like my brain." - Jean-Claude Van Damme
This Post:
78242.439 in reply to 78242.437
Date: 4/30/2011 9:59:19 AM
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When the GS reset, it's at 6.5?

yes it was said by BB-Marin in bug forums a season or so ago. that's why we have impression at the start of the season, that something is not right with gameshape the first week. it does drop to average with 70+ minutes sometimes. because it just becomes 6.4 or so.

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78242.441 in reply to 78242.440
Date: 4/30/2011 10:24:24 AM
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there's a random factor in GS. Also, 55 minutes is about as good or bad as 64 minutes.

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78242.442 in reply to 78242.441
Date: 4/30/2011 10:47:52 AM
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Ii believe GS could have sublevels and some connection with players role appearences and probabbly some random factor last season find that 1-2 players that i used for backups or even second backups who gets about 20-45 min stayed constantly with strong-proficient Gs

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78242.443 in reply to 78242.442
Date: 4/30/2011 10:54:28 AM
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GS definitely does have sublevels, which can be seen by DMI fluctuating on players even though GS appears to be the same.

I've also had a player with respectable GS over much of a season although his minutes were consistently in the 60-70 minutes range.

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78242.444 in reply to 78242.442
Date: 5/4/2011 5:23:12 PM
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i believe GS could have sublevels and some connection with players role appearences

Roles don't affect GS at all.

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78242.445 in reply to 78242.444
Date: 5/6/2011 6:21:40 AM
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can you say youre 100% sure with this how come the game desides whos role is benchwarmer of superstar and dont tell me is related with game performances (if youve thought so any balanced scoring team wouldve had 2-3 superstars which isnt)and how come benchwarmers or drawing a paycheck need less minutes playing time to maintain a decent GS and vice versa , ask yourself this question before throwing out the window others thesis so fast .Give me an example with scrimmages backups who plays 10-15-25 min by your logic shouldve all have inept gs or lower,excuse my bad english and I dont want to offend you by any means but i think youre statement is out of hand.

Last edited by Coach_D at 5/6/2011 6:23:01 AM

From: Coach_D

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78242.447 in reply to 78242.446
Date: 5/6/2011 6:49:38 AM
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thats what my point is, grades are based on minutes played previously in the past season gs is related with playing minutes therefore there should be connection with roles and gs does it make sense ?
