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Potential and Pops

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From: CrazyEye

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83282.44 in reply to 83282.43
Date: 4/5/2009 11:16:22 AM
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I hear ppl saying the allstar centers are hitting the cap at 50k salary and some say 100k. If they all hit it at the same level, what level is it then?

it is an soft cap, and after 50k the training is pretty slow but you don't need lot of Skillups to raise the salary the next 50k ;) So the question is, at which training speed you are hitting the cap, if you going for the first slow down in training i would go also for a lower salary with pretty low impact of training speed.

And the other point is, the salary and potential cap aren't the same formulas in my eyes, because centers with blocking seems to slow downwith a lower salary then the one's without it - but thats only theory maybe it is proven wrong.