Sure there is a point, a IV Spanish can beat a I division small country without major problems actually, don't you see it??
Marot, the ammount is not important, was it 320k? could also have been possible for a 2,5m lvl7 trainer, don't you worry ;)
The market isn't a game in a locker room when you have to see who could be the next John Holmes :D
It's not important who can beat you,it's important how he can raise the money and the magnitude of the money we are talking
320k is a sum of money easy to raise in almost every division of every country in the world,in every country of the world,a lot of users can spend 320k in every way they want(wasting it in a level 4 PR,expanding the arena,buying a young trainee or a veteran)
When we talk about a magnitude around some milion(s),you can see that some team can raise these money with little efforts,making some minor trade,a IV spanish team,had to sell one of his best player to do it
That's the point