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BB Nederland > Vreugdemuur

Vreugdemuur (thread closed)

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From: Thijs
This Post:
6240.449 in reply to 6240.448
Date: 8/25/2008 1:37:00 PM
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Over verre drie punters gesproken: Servie-India....

From: Thijs

This Post:
6240.450 in reply to 6240.449
Date: 8/25/2008 1:57:26 PM
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Bizar: 2 identieke draftpicks (ok, de naam en het potentieel is verschillend) door 1 ploeg. (6099968) en (6099969). Oh, en de speler met het beste potentieel mag 7x zo veel kosten...

Last edited by Thijs at 8/25/2008 1:59:27 PM

This Post:
6240.451 in reply to 6240.450
Date: 8/25/2008 2:04:58 PM
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Potentieel 6+ is ongelovelijk duur. 18 jarige Hall of famers worden verkocht voor 4m als ze een salaris van 3,5k of meer hebben.


There were some draft pools that ended up with one or more pairs of players with identical skills. There is nothing further wrong with the players. Sometimes the pair were highly skilled players, and sometimes they were benchwarmers; it was random. The pairs were scouted and ranked and selected independently, as with all other players. Occasionally, they were drafted by the same team, as in your case.

We apologize for this oddity, and we hope to fix the bug for future draftee generations, but there is nothing that we can do about the pairs that were drafted this season. In short, teams received the players that they ranked most highly, so there was nothing inherently unfair about the process, with or without pairs of identical players.

Last edited by BB-Patrick at 8/25/2008 2:10:05 PM

This Post:
6240.452 in reply to 6240.451
Date: 8/26/2008 11:13:52 AM
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Persoonlijke Pagina geupdate.. Mooie Roze kleurtjes... GEENSTIJL!!.. MASTER!! =D

Last edited by Wout! at 8/26/2008 11:14:17 AM

From: Thijs
This Post:
6240.453 in reply to 6240.452
Date: 8/26/2008 2:52:19 PM
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Eerste overwinning tegen Hosa gehaald!!

From: fret

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6240.454 in reply to 6240.453
Date: 8/26/2008 3:19:08 PM
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Van harte, was een spannend match, ik duik nu eerst ff de kroeg in :)

This Post:
6240.455 in reply to 6240.454
Date: 8/26/2008 3:40:51 PM
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Verdriet wegdrinken ;)

This Post:
6240.456 in reply to 6240.454
Date: 8/26/2008 3:41:07 PM
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Het viel me deze week op dat opvallend veel mensen (niet allen DBA PRO A)nu supporter hebben....Heb ik iets gemist? is er een actie gaande? Of begint ieder overtuigd te raken van BB?

Hopelijk dat vele $ die nu gaan instromen nog meer leuke features komen...:D

yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."
This Post:
6240.457 in reply to 6240.456
Date: 8/26/2008 3:52:23 PM
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Ja iets zoals dat je je Shirtkleuren kan aanpassen, volgens mij kon dit wel bij hattrick..!

This Post:
6240.458 in reply to 6240.455
Date: 8/26/2008 3:59:03 PM
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zoiets, had een feestje verwacht na de game maarja die leuters in me team lieten me in de steek

This Post:
6240.459 in reply to 6240.456
Date: 8/26/2008 4:01:23 PM
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Ik dacht na 3 seizoenen zonder supporter, laat ik es kijken ;)
