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BB USA > U21 National Team Debate Thread

U21 National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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From: Dawson
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136134.46 in reply to 136134.45
Date: 3/27/2010 6:26:37 PM
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I am alone with my son (7 weeks old) for the night, so I'll try to answer in a brief way and then elaborate as I can. It's just hard to stay on a single track thoughtwise. =D

I sorta think of passing in the same way for both big men and guards. In very low amounts its horrible, but above a certain threshold the returns from training more passing are small. This sorta ties into the 2nd question. The u21 is an arms race. Once you get your passing to the 11-12 range, you are probably better off training more OD and JS on your guard. Especially in the Worlds. Bronson was an exceptional guard, but we ran into teams that had guards that were better.If Bronson's owner In almost the same token, this is why SB is not in vogue. It isn't as effective as additional levels of ID. It is very hard to tell the difference SB'ing make since it doesn't always show up. I really want to believe that it can help, I just haven't seen any evidence that it does.

Last edited by Dawson at 3/27/2010 6:50:34 PM

This Post:
136134.47 in reply to 136134.16
Date: 3/27/2010 10:02:03 PM
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Well, if Jelme is the only candidate (and he is a very good one, in my view), there is little point in arguing too much about who should be elected.

We can however use this thread to discuss how to improve the U21's results in various other respects. This season's team was by far the strongest we've had and yet we were not able to improve on the season 9 result, which frankly i was the first to be annoyed with.

Our tactics were hardly the problem in most of these games. I may have missed a couple of one-on-one matchups, but we've pretty much chosen correctly in my view.

The fact is that it is now clear that all the other countries have latched on the principle that if you want to be good you need single-position training all the time. So, while we were the strongest we ever were, the same is true of all the other top teams--including some that did not even make the worlds.

Both times, we've been the best team among those that were not in competition for a semi-final spot. We've made both second rounds without huge troubles, and we went reasonably close to being Americas champions both times.

strongly disagree

This Post:
136134.49 in reply to 136134.47
Date: 3/27/2010 10:59:47 PM
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There are a lot of points in there. I guess you strongly disagree with all of them somehow?

This Post:
136134.51 in reply to 136134.47
Date: 3/27/2010 11:35:51 PM
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TUG I'm very disappointed in you, it took you 47 posts into an election debate thread to post something stupid disagreeing with someone else. I expected you to chirp in about post 10, your getting slow in your old age..

That being said are you going to enlighten us with your words of "wisdom" or going to keep it short and sweet this time around?

This Post:
136134.52 in reply to 136134.51
Date: 3/27/2010 11:57:01 PM
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real-life real-time debate question for all candidates: see below post. This guy has a 18-yr old 6'0" $5,718 HOF SG. What is your plan?


Last edited by at 3/28/2010 12:05:11 AM

This Post:
136134.53 in reply to 136134.19
Date: 3/28/2010 5:23:53 AM
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Moving forward I'll be there with FatCurry to discuss with managers training on a weekly basis or getting them to sell the players.

I don't mean to pick apart your post, but I strongly disagree with this sentence, and find it rather off-putting. While doing this may be helpful to the U21 team for a season or two, even the idea of asking a manager to sell a player due to their plans for him differing from those of the goals of the U21s comes off as a prick move; and further, I feel this sort of crap is detrimental to garnering interest in the NT/21s.

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.
From: darykjozef

To: Coco
This Post:
136134.54 in reply to 136134.22
Date: 3/28/2010 5:30:20 AM
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[...] We need scouts and communication. *However*, having tried this in my first term I can tell you what the main problem is that needs to be solved: most managers are unresponsive. They aren't playing BB so that some NT-scout gets to tell them what to do.

This is a surprising finding, but it is no less surprising than the fact that some people can't be brought to log onto an offsite website.

I can't see why either of those is surprising.

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.
This Post:
136134.55 in reply to 136134.46
Date: 3/28/2010 5:58:10 AM
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Well, since you're the only available candidate above division IV, I'll ask a question or two.

I sorta think of passing in the same way for both big men and guards. In very low amounts its horrible, but above a certain threshold the returns from training more passing are small.

1.) How much passing on a C/PF would be enough for you to sacrifice a level of one of the three main inside skills? How much is too much?

The u21 is an arms race.

2.) Do you feel it's worthwhile for a manager of a U21 player to train his stamina or FT to an acceptable level, or do you find this counter-productive to winning the arms race?

3.) In your opinion, does the arms race itself entice owners to train players (particularly centers) to unsupportable levels? Does it discourage training well-rounded players?

Unrelated to your post above:

4.) Would you CT your first game in qualifications?

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.