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Bankruptcy (thread closed)

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142125.45 in reply to 142125.43
Date: 4/28/2010 5:34:08 PM
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The only way to not go bankrupt is to sell either Fritelli or Parker. You have to put them on the transfer list by tomorrow at the very latest. That way you get the revenue on Sunday. You should be able to get at least $600K for Fritelli probably more, and that would save you from bankruptcy. I'm assuming you have already fired or will fire all your expensive trainers by Sunday as well. Sell Fritelli, fix your trainers and you'll be back making lots of money each week with a positive balance. Or sell Parker for probably $2,000,000 and you'll be reset and have lots of extra money as well.

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142125.46 in reply to 142125.43
Date: 4/28/2010 5:42:20 PM
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I think I won't have the time to get money in time to NOT go bankcrupt. If I go bankcrupt, I'll retire. Too bad for me I suppose, I really enjoy the game but anyways...

I, and other posters, have explained in detail exactly how to get out of this mess without stripping your entire team for parts.

I've tried to avoid judgment on this but, your posts (and the constant (sarcasm) that accompanies them) seem to indicate that you still don't believe this mess is your fault. No one but you got you into this trainwreck, no one will get you out of it but you. By the same token, the reason you got here is because you made poor decisions and didn't want to give anything up ("I want a level five trainer for some reason but I don't want to pay anything up front for it! GIMME GIMME GIMME!"), well now its time to right the ship by giving some things up.

The good news is that you have a decent supporting cast from the look of things and you can keep your u21 prospect and still be alright. Just sell Fritelli and can the trainer after the Friday update and you'll be totally fine.

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142125.48 in reply to 142125.46
Date: 4/28/2010 7:35:07 PM
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If you posted here asking for help, then listen to chris902.
If you just posted to complain, then go ahead and retire. Lots of people here have offered advice, when none of us had to. I like to offer what limited help i can provide, when possible, because I really like this game and don't want to see people quit, but if you are just going to come back over and over with 'bawwww look at me (sarcasm)' then good riddance.

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142125.49 in reply to 142125.47
Date: 4/28/2010 7:51:55 PM
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Agreed. A big part to these management games is money management. If you do not have the finances to backup your team then you will go bankrupt like what is happening to the OP

As I mentioned before, losing 40k a week will take you 12-13 weeks before you reach the -500k bankrupt threshold. It would have been a big red flag once you start making losses but to let it continue for 13 weeks is just plain mismanagement.

He has no one else to blame and to threaten to quit because of his own mistakes makes him look rather immature

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142125.50 in reply to 142125.48
Date: 4/28/2010 8:17:17 PM
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BrianMathews got it right (if that is a real name?)

There are several options here to help get out bankruptcy. All of them will help. Any combination of things will work. Lower cost (fire trainers) or raise revenue (sell players). Just start the process and enjoy the game.

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142125.53 in reply to 142125.38
Date: 4/28/2010 9:57:23 PM
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Nope. You must consider raises.

After 35 weeks, my trainer will cost approximately $31,000 weekly. I generally consider selling at closer to $40K weekly. Then the calculation is simple: Because trainers' salaries increase by a set percentage, the higher the trainer's salary, the more rapid the increase. Thus, my trainer at $16K will always cost a minimum of $34K per week less than a guy who makes $50K weekly. In other words, even if the difference in the up-front price is $500K, the $50K trainer costs you that much in weekly salary after just 15 weeks. Meanwhile, I can keep my trainer for 45 weeks and he still won't cost me $40K per week.

So it's far more cost-efficient to buy a cheap trainer for more money and just hold on to them forever. That also avoids any uncertainties in the auction process, and best of all, doesn't carve out as much money from your weekly revenue, allowing you to support more talent. It's true that you have to occasionally set aside money for a new trainer, but it's not all that burdensome to come up with $500K.

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142125.54 in reply to 142125.38
Date: 4/28/2010 10:04:15 PM
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FYI, the formula to determine trainer salary increase is

F(v) = P(v) * (1 + i) ^n

F(v) = future value
P(v) = present value
i = rate of increase (for a superior trainer, 2% weekly or 0.02)
n = number of weeks

From: kLepTo
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142125.55 in reply to 142125.54
Date: 4/29/2010 12:18:09 AM
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Is anybody else interested in helping this person? I see at least a couple of good suggestions here and what does he do? He does the absolute worst thing, he sells his staff knowing that there's a severance fee. I don't think he even enjoys this game. People who enjoy a game take time learning about how it works.
