Hi Rhyminsimon, and thank you for spending your spare time creating such great tool and sharing it with others. I've just started using your tool and it looks very nice. A question from me: what can be the reason that the difference between a full season of Passing (PG) and one of Passing (PG/SG) is just very minor (0.7 more or less)?
I simulate the following:
3 trainees, all 18 currently but I'm adjusting for the next season where they will be 19. Trainee 1 and 2 are 6'0" and Trainee 3 is 6'5"
PA Skills at start of season (assumed, not actual):
Trainee 1: 7.5
Trainee 2: 2.5
Trainee 3: 7.5
PA Skills after 1 season of PA (PG/SG):
Trainee 1: 13.42
Trainee 2: 9.46
Trainee 3: 13.29
PA Skills after 1 season of PA (PG) instead of (PG/SG):
Trainee 1: 14.18
Trainee 2: 10.37
Trainee 3: 14.06
Is this an expected outcome? I thought from reading the training speed analysis topic that single position PA training would amount to 1 pop per 1-2 weeks, while double position training would amount to 1 pop per 2-3 weeks. Is this difference just that small (1.9 weeks/pop vs 2.1 weeks/pop), is the simulator not accurate or am I making a mistake in using the simulator?
Thanks for your time