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BB Global (English) > Is BB dying a slow death - Part Two

Is BB dying a slow death - Part Two

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275697.450 in reply to 275697.449
Date: 1/5/2017 8:26:27 AM
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Well you also produce more assets every week. I have currently played 1 season total and I have enough assets to buy atleast 1 decent player,whos age is in the prime (25-27), although right now I spent half of it on arena. In general, with current market situation, if I could make another team for example in Portugal league, which isn't in my opinion considered as micronation, I would accept challenge to rise from div. IV to div. I in 3 seasons, I think it is completely possible, although not with very long term strategy, definitely would be possible to rise to div. II, in 2 seasons and stay competetive while training new guys.

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275697.451 in reply to 275697.50
Date: 1/9/2017 4:13:09 PM
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Similar to whats been said before and you're absolutely spot on.

Whatever anyone says about changing the game itself, the real issue is that games like BB just don't have a big draw in this day and age.

Nevertheless, BB is still AMAZING!!!! playing it since season 3 and i hope to play many more seasons to come!!!

the day and age of the Thumbdumb slaves...

As Sadhguru say: the only smart thing about a lot of people, is their smartphone...

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From: Melo9
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275697.453 in reply to 275697.451
Date: 1/18/2017 1:06:12 PM
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Well, since there are so many Portuguese people around, and I see some good conclusions about the real world and smarthphones, I will say this:

BB needs mobile App ASAP!

In this days, everybody uses and abuses smarthphones, and this tendencies will only get worse. Every site/game/product is having its own App, BB needs to do the same!
Having a really though time navigating trough BB website on phones and tablets is a great reason to stop playing this game on my opinion. And having a clean and simple nice App to make tactics and check market is a great way to make people join the game.

It's time to get the App going

From: Melo9

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275697.455 in reply to 275697.454
Date: 1/18/2017 3:47:23 PM
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Well, I don't really know how you can say that honestly
I'm lucky to spend most of my day on a computer. If not, I would have lots of trouble playing the game.
From opening chrome and writing buzzerbeater, hitting login button, zooming in to hit the Menus for my calendar or something else...
I think a Pool to the question "How would you rate your experience using BB on your smartphone?", from 1 to 5 for example, people would average 2 most likely

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275697.456 in reply to 275697.455
Date: 1/18/2017 4:06:00 PM
Les Galactics
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Second Team:
La Castilla
overall BB Apps is the best way to get new players too...

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275697.457 in reply to 275697.456
Date: 1/18/2017 4:42:26 PM
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This idea has been pitched by the community for like 5 years. I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Whatever money is made from this game needs to be allocated to outsourcing the making of an app for this game.

From: Melo9

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275697.459 in reply to 275697.458
Date: 1/18/2017 5:04:14 PM
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Mobile applications (if the job is well done) are used for that matter. Simple interfaces, big menus, and super user friendly. I guess your using some bad apps

Take as example 2 other games similar to BB, but football: Hattrick and XpertEleven. They are super cool, modern and easy to use.

And I agree with the affirmation before. Mobile App is the best next move to do, to bring more users.

From: lvess

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275697.460 in reply to 275697.455
Date: 1/18/2017 10:44:17 PM
Delaware 87ers
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Between my phone and tablet I can get the same buzzerbeater experience I get on my laptop (including watching games using the Dolphin browser).

I have the site bookmarked in all three devices and Chrome autofills the login and password. No problems.

Yes zooming in to click on the menus on my phone is annoying but not a deal breaker to me.

Overall mobile user experience for me? 3 on my phone (dolphin doesn't work on it) and 5 on my tablet. Both are Android.

Would an app help? That depends on what exactly you want it to help with.

Making it easier to watch matches without using Dolphin/Puffin or some other browser?

Bringing in more new users?

Retaining those new users?

The basic problem is that the app would still direct people to a game that is a slow moving, long-term type game. Without changing the user experience the only thing an app might accomplish is turning over more new teams in to bots every 6 weeks.

Don't mistake these comments for not supporting developing an app. It is a good idea. However, lets be realistic with expectations from it. It's probably not the silver bullet to magically turn around the overall buzzerbeater experience.
